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Apple Made Deal With Twitter Because 'Mark Zuckerberg is a ****ing A**hole'

Apple Made Deal With Twitter Because 'Mark Zuckerberg is a ****ing A**hole'

Posted August 20, 2011 at 5:19pm by iClarified
Apple reportedly made a deal with Twitter instead of Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg is a '****ing a**hole', reports Robert Scoble.

In a post on Google+, Scoble says that Twitter is really messed up internally with a lot of engineers leaving the company. He also notes that the market has 'shaken down' to these partnerships.

● Apple is in love with Twitter, hates Facebook and Google.
● Microsoft is in love with Facebook, hates Apple and Google. Is agnostic toward Twitter.
● Google is in love with Google+, hates Facebook and Apple.

When Scoble asked someone at Apple why they made that deal with Twitter the answer was: "because Mark Zuckerberg is a ****ing a**hole."

Facebook and Apple have had difficulties negotiating in the past as well. Apple was reportedly in talks with Facebook over Ping for at least 18 months before it launched the service on its own. According to Steve Jobs, Facebook was insisting on "onerous terms that we could not agree to". Apple launched the service on its own and tried to implement the Facebook "Connect" login interface; however, Facebook blocked Apple citing the enormous amount of traffic Apple would generate.

Apple Made Deal With Twitter Because 'Mark Zuckerberg is a ****ing A**hole'
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GB - August 21, 2011 at 3:08am
Everybody seems to be missing one colossal piece of information. George Hotz (the guy who first jailbroke the iPhone) now works at Facebook. Think Zuckerberg hired him cause he's good at programming iPhone apps? Pfft. yeah right. Its the ultimate F-U to jobs.
Darkness129 - August 20, 2011 at 11:55pm
Epic lol!!!
enshinkas.com - August 20, 2011 at 9:27pm
This is fun to talk about.
iPorwin - August 20, 2011 at 5:46pm
Hahah love this post
N3RVE - August 20, 2011 at 5:35pm
LoL! That's just hilarious...
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