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Apple Removes Claim That 'Mac Doesn't Get PC Viruses'

Posted June 25, 2012 at 5:07pm by iClarified · 14095 views
Apple has removed a claim that the Mac 'Doesn't Get PC Viruses' from its website, notes PC World.

As you can see in the image below, Apple removed the statement that "It doesn't get PC viruses" and replaced it with "It's built to be safe."

Sophos U.S. senior technology consultant Graham Cluley says, "I view the changes in the messages pushed out by their marketing department as some important baby-steps. Let's hope more Apple Mac owners are also learning to take important security steps -- such as installing antivirus protection."

OS X users were recently hit by malware attacks such as the Flashback trojan which infected over 650,000 Macs leading Kaspersky founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky to say Apple is 'ten years behind Microsoft in terms of security'.

Read More [via 9to5Mac]