May 2, 2024

Google Announces New Music Search Features

Posted October 28, 2009 at 11:42pm by iClarified · 6298 views
Google has partnered with iLike, Lala, Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody to bring new music features to its search engine.

Starting today Google is rolling out enhancements that will enable you to search and purchase millions of songs through a simple Google web search.

Now, when you enter a music-related query — like the name of a song, artist or album — your search results will include links to an audio preview of those songs provided by our music search partners MySpace (which just acquired iLike) or Lala. When you click the result you'll be able to listen to an audio preview of the song directly from one of those partners. For example, if I search for [21st century breakdown], the first results provide links to songs from Green Day's new album. MySpace and Lala also provide links to purchase the full song.

Many times, though, you don't know the name of the song or the artist who sings it. Maybe you remember only the chorus — or maybe you remember who sang it, but you forgot the exact name of the song. If you've ever heard a catchy song in a car or cafe, but just can't figure out the name of the song, you'll know what I'm talking about. This search feature also helps you find many of those songs by entering a search containing a line or two of lyrics. So if I search for [static silhouette somehow], I'll get results for Phoenix's song "Rome."

Finally, a search engine should also be able to help you discover music you'll like, even if you can't tell it what exactly you want to hear. We've partnered with Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody to include links to their sites where you can discover music related to your queries as well.

This is yet another announcement which seems to indicate a souring of the Apple Google relationship. iTunes would seem the most likely candidate for digital song purchases; however, it is nowhere to be found.

You can watch a video and see some screenshots of these new features below...

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