May 5, 2024

Kirikae Update Adds Large Rows, Themed Icons

Posted December 18, 2009 at 11:24pm by iClarified · 6886 views
Kirikae by Lance Fetters provides a pop-up list that can be used to switch to/launch other applications without having to return to SpringBoard

Changes in version svn.133:
NEW: Added "Use Large Rows" option; disable for new, smaller rows.
* Note that when using smaller rows, badges are enlarged to increase legibility

NEW: Added "Use Themed Icons" option; disabling will prevent use of WinterBoard-themed icons.
* This is especially useful for those using themes with unusual-sized icons.

FIX: Fixed ability to quit Mail/Phone when using firmware >= 3.1.

MOD: Active tab:
* Replaced swipe-to-quit behavior with always-visible quit button.
* Quitting the current app will no longer close Kirikae.
* springBoard is now always shown at the top in "Home Screen" section.
* Renamed current/other applications to foreground/background
* Applications.
* "Foreground Application" section is only shown if not SpringBoard.
* "Background Applications" section is now sorted by most-to-least recent usage.

You can find Kirikae in the Big Boss Cydia Repository.

[via iSpazio]