May 5, 2024

ZodTTD Demos Progress on N64 for iPhone [Video]

Posted December 19, 2009 at 9:06pm by iClarified · 6176 views
ZodTTD has posted a video demonstration of his progress on the emulator port, n64iphone.

It is a port of mupen64plus along with Ari64's ARM Dynarec, and Adventus / Orkin's OpenGLES GPU. Since the graphics processing unit (GPU) code is written with the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification, it limits the devices able to be used to the iPhone 3gs and iPod Touch 3rd Gen as of the current Apple lineup.

Still Needing Implementation:
- Controller plugin (WiiMote / hardware support will come first oddly enough)
- Sound plugin (Can affect performance once enabled)
- Screen scaling & rotation
- ROM selection screen & my usual emulator's layout
- Improve compatibility a bit as I most likely made a bug or two in the dynarec port

"Note that performance can be improved from what is currently shown here. I am using NO frameskip. I also am not using all the assembly for vector math within the GPU currently. Sound and controlling the emulator aren't within this video as I still need to implement sound & controller plugins."

Take a look at the video below...

[via iSpazio]