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Jens Daemgen Releases ProCamera 2.6

Posted February 19, 2010 at 1:18pm by iClarified · 5082 views
Jens Daemgen has announced that ProCamera 2.6, the leading European solution for the iPhone camera has now been released to the American marketplace. For the first time, there is an all-in-one camera app for iPhone users. With usability as intuitive as you would expect from an iPhone application.

As mentioned in MobileCrunch, "ProCamera takes the iPhone camera that much closer to the real thing". The features are vast and include the world's first PhotoCompass, digital zoom, image stabilization and so much more! Featured in GIZMODO, iPhone Life Magazine, Mac Developer, Wired, MobileCrunch, and iphonefreakz.

ProCamera, available now for $3 in the App Store, is a self-described, advanced iPhone photography application that adds greater functionality and possibilities to the iPhone, by taking full advantage of all hardware and software resources.

Here are some of the features enhancing your photographic experience:
* Anti-Shake - image stabilization for crisp & clear photos
* Digital Zoom - 5x zooming with full resolution output
* Virtual Horizon Grid PhotoCompass - patent-pending alignment tools
* FullScreen Trigger - a very BigPhotoButton helpful for many situations
* Highspeed Background Saving & optional Auto-Save - Review taken photo before saving or snap the next one right away
* Self-Timer - adjustable delay up to 20 seconds for group-pictures & self-portraits
* Full-size e-mail photo-sharing - beats the standard by mailing full-resolution images (according to stock photos app)
* HQ Video-Recording (iPhone 3GS) - makes ProCamera the all-in-one-replacement for the stock camera app

ProCamera Upcoming Features:
* Flash (software exposure correction)
* Black White/Sepia modes
* And more

Pricing and Availability:
ProCamera 2.6 is only $2.99 (USD) and available exclusively through the App Store in the Photography category. Feel free to visit the ProCamera website for detailed information on ProCamera and its features, to view our user manual and our web gallery, download press material or to join us at Facebook and Twitter. Much more to come with ProCamera version 2.7, available as a free update on the App Store very soon.

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