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Is This a Leaked Photo of iOS 5?

Is This a Leaked Photo of iOS 5?

Posted June 5, 2011 at 11:36pm by iClarified
TechCrunch has posted a photo that shows Twitter notifications integrated into the iOS status bar. The site is unsure if it's an authentic image; however, their sources say it's the "right idea".

Again, no clue if it’s actually real or not, but the idea might be right. Notifications that come down from the top bar could be how Apple ends up doing things in iOS 5. After all, this would mimic already existing functionality — when tethering, a blue strip appears along the top; when on the phone, it’s a green strip. Might notifications (or at least Twitter notifications) produce a gray strip?

Take a look at the photo below and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Is This a Leaked Photo of iOS 5?
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Comments (22)
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anonmuz - June 8, 2011 at 4:19am
Where do some of you get your information? A simple trip to you nearest AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile store will show you crappy plastic Android phones that at full price cost just as much as an iPhone. Let's not forget that Google had to get rid of about 50 apps that were virus infested because of their "open" little ecosystem they USED to have. Android is no longer COMPLETELY "open" the apps get filtered just like the App Store does now. Apart from the few features Androids OS has tell me how it's a better and more stable OS than iOS. @Coose Apple invented the "App Store" for their own smart phone and was the first to do it, how can you say it was crap? I mean compared to what? Sprints old application store? What is this being based on? The "App Store" is a long ways ahead of Android and Windows application stores so why even bring up the old app store when Apples competitors have had years to make their stores up to par but are still light years behind. I've used my brothers samsung captivate and htc hd7 and neither are anywhere near my iPhone 4. yea, there may be features here and there like a dedicated camera button but I don't want my phone with extra crap like that because this is a smart phone not a actual camera. So I'll live through the fact there'll be no physical 'button' for the camera. Everything OS feature-wise that Android and Windows phones can do iPhones can do jailbroken and more. I don't even know how Android keeps coming up because WP7 is way better than Android by miles, I still would never ditch my iPhone for one but it's def a very strong second; I would recommend it to people but not Android. iOS is capable of doing waaaay too much for me to switch.
Ranmat - June 6, 2011 at 4:11pm
It's almost certainly fake. Look at the screenshots given in wwdc. The new notifications system doesn't look like that.
Jam` - June 6, 2011 at 11:19am
Well my friend 2-3 years ago android didnt even exist so do you know what are you talking about. I have an iphone since the first gen!
James Clark
James Clark - June 6, 2011 at 9:02am
I guess the battery indicator will turn red when it reaches 30%. How ever in this pic. it remains white. :P
Kenny E
Kenny E - June 6, 2011 at 9:13am
The battery indicator turns red at 20% not 30%.
wiseb - June 6, 2011 at 8:02am
this looks sooo fake!
Laurent Logan
Laurent Logan - June 6, 2011 at 3:41am
The Camera app looks this native to the new ios5? or does it confirm that the screenshot is a fake? We'll find out in a few hours
PReaper - June 6, 2011 at 3:33am
Forget Twitter.. Do the same for fb instead..
user - June 6, 2011 at 2:39am
if its not fake foto, that mean we will have the same UI for another century???! then i'm gonna grab WP7!!!!!!!!!!!!
OmiG - June 6, 2011 at 2:10am
I don't care much for iOS 5. Give us the damn iPhone 5 already so I can upgrade from my iPhone 2G.
Junaid - June 6, 2011 at 2:17am
v - June 6, 2011 at 6:55am
m also… i have my 3g and i its now that i want to upgrade, not then :)
iptf - June 5, 2011 at 11:50pm looks like the status bar wasnt manipulated in any way.
Enrico - June 5, 2011 at 11:49pm
Apple likes its cake and wants to eat it too... They seem to like to take the ideas from the Jailbreaking community (programmers) but not give credit. And still, they work to stop Jailbreaking in most major releases of iOS. I understand the pirating side of it (Installous) but I think that kind of thing will happen no matter what (look at the history of software piracy across all platforms). They need to consider all the benefits they have seen from the Jailbreaking community and how it has advanced iOS to what it is today (and will be tomorrow). This is what makes Android so different and a large part of why it is the most-used smartphone platform today (36% of all smartphones vs. 26% for iOS). Closed platform is not the way of the future and Apple needs to realize that you can still have a controlled user environment (where needed) without locking everything down like Fort Knox.
JWalker - June 6, 2011 at 12:10am
They gave him CREDIT by giving him a job! He is now making money for his hard and needed work.
harshad - June 6, 2011 at 6:58am
Peter Hajas's MobileNotifier lander him a job at Apple. They give him credit in that sense. Great developers should go work for Apple. Don't expect Steve Jobs to give a shoutout to the jailbreak community while he's on stage or put up a list of his favorite jailbreak devs on They don't copy anything. They learn. The reason we jailbreak is so we can have our devices do what we want. What's so bad about Apple taking that and making it a default? The credit? Please. That's childish. Remember the reasons we have the jailbreak community. Look at the big picture. This is good happening, not theft.
Leonick - June 6, 2011 at 8:41am
Wrong, the only reason there are more android phones are because common people who doesn't care one bit for phones being smart can get one for the same price they did their dumbphone. The average iOS user buys and uses more apps and as such will continue to have the best apps made for it first. Developing for android isnt as profitable. Also, maybe you missed it, but just a few weeks ago there were numbers showing that while there are more android phones than iphones there are more ios devices than android devices so... :)
DigiHead - June 6, 2011 at 8:51am
More people driving hyundai not mercedeses, is that means hyundai is better? I don't think so! Cheap is cheap in any meaning, so it applies for your beloved android devices
Jam - June 6, 2011 at 10:35am
Well man its working
paul - June 6, 2011 at 12:42pm
thats a good point mate but if i have to spend money between android phone and a bit more on apple iphone i rather choose iphone, why? iphones price remains almost tge same for a couple of years or more so u can sell it on ebay and not loose so much compare to an htc, sony ericsson or a samsung, i know cause it happens to me...
Leonick - June 7, 2011 at 2:03am
Oh come on an iPhone doesn't cost you more than a equal smartphone of any other brand. You can get cheaper smartphones, a lot cheaper but they are complete crap too so kinda makes up for it...
Colby Gardner
Colby Gardner - June 5, 2011 at 11:39pm
It's amazing how much the Jailbreak community has contributed to the iOS scene. This picture has given me hope, that maybe Apple would move toward a more open, yet still restricting, iOS style.
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