September 15, 2024
Tim Cook: 'Wearables is Incredibly Interesting.  It Could be a Profound Area'

Tim Cook: 'Wearables is Incredibly Interesting. It Could be a Profound Area'

Posted May 29, 2013 at 2:13am by iClarified
In an interview at the D11: All Things Digital conference, Apple CEO Tim Cook offered his thoughts on wearable technology.

Cook was initially asked about Google Glass. He said, "It's probably likely to appeal to certain vertical markets. The likelihood that it has broad appeals is hard to see."

However, Cook is positive on the wearable tech market: "I think wearables is incredibly interesting. It could be a profound area."

Cook notes that he wears a Nike Fuelband and thinks "Nike did a great job" with the product.

There are lots of gadgets in the space. I would say that the ones that are doing more than one thing, there's nothing great out there that I've seen. Nothing that's going to convince a kid that's never worn glasses or a band or a watch or whatever to wear one. At least I haven't seen it. So there's lots of things to solve in this space. It's an area that's ripe for exploration, it's ripe for us to get excited about. Lots of companies will play in this space.

When asked if Apple will play in the space, Cook said, "I don't want to answer that one. But I see it as a very important branch of the tree. I think the iPhone pushed us forward fast and the tablet accelerated it. I think wearables could be another branch. I think this group will be very involved in this."

Kara Swisher asks Cook what type of wearable tech product Apple might be interested in. He responds by saying that from a mainstream point of view, glasses are risky. "I wear glasses because I have to. I don't know a lot of people who wear them because they don't have to." He also suggests that to get customers to wear a smartwatch it will have to be incredible. "If we asked a room of 20-year olds to stand up if they're wearing a watch, I don't think anyone would stand up." Finally, he suggests that wearable ideas could also include sensors.

[via Verge]

Tim Cook: 'Wearables is Incredibly Interesting.  It Could be a Profound Area'
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justabrake - May 29, 2013 at 9:21am
Nike band
Wow - May 29, 2013 at 11:27am
Wow - May 29, 2013 at 3:23am
If not glasses and not a watch, what? Where else can you put manipulative technology?
ImAnAlien - May 29, 2013 at 4:01am
Rectal probes! muhahah
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