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Apple to Restrict GPS Apps on the 3G iPhone?

Apple to Restrict GPS Apps on the 3G iPhone?

Posted June 11, 2008 at 4:39pm by iClarified
Apple has added a clause into their SDK license agreement that prohibits GPS applications such as TomTom.

"Applications may not be designed or marketed for real time route guidance; automatic or autonomous control of vehicles, aircraft, or other mechanical devices; dispatch or fleet management; or emergency or life-saving purposes."

It is possible that Apple may be developing its own GPS application or it may be forming a deal with another company. Either way this may be bad news for TomTom who just announced they have developed an iPhone application!

Apple to Restrict GPS Apps on the 3G iPhone?
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Galadriann - June 13, 2008 at 6:55am
Looks more like a legal statement preventing people from using the iphone as an automated GPS system rather than blocking TOmtom or other companies. I would be pretty sure that such statements are probably true for Tomtom Go or iGo... never read the legal statement for those though ... :-)
Amused - June 12, 2008 at 9:25am
@p* What are you going to sue them on?
p* - June 12, 2008 at 7:44am
apple is creating monopoly environment for tomtom? can i sue them?
p* - June 12, 2008 at 7:39am
apple is creating monopoly environment for tomtom? can i sue them?
Amused - June 12, 2008 at 6:27am
I can't see how TomTom misses something like that in the agreement. I think the previous post is right, apple probably made an exclusive agreement between tomtom to run it on iphone. Software will prpbably cost about the same as the standalone tomtom unit, so might not be worth it!
NaVVy - June 12, 2008 at 1:09am
Unless TomTom are the ones who have the exclusive agreement with Apple!!! Then they'd be VERY happy about the new clause in the SDK.
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