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3G iPhone May Have Front Facing Camera?

3G iPhone May Have Front Facing Camera?

Posted June 12, 2008 at 10:49am by iClarified
Observant viewers have found what they believe could be a front-facing videocamera in Phil Schillers demo iPhone.

"Gizmodo readers and conspiracy theorist aficionados Nathan Ziehnert & Friends have spent a few hours analyzing the footage from the WWDC08 keynote like CSI agents investigating the Zapruder film. The result: they found what they believe could be a front-facing videocamera in Applemeister Phil Schiller's demo iPhone 3G."

Its possible he was using a prototype or possibly this is just a fingerprint or optical illusion but take a look at the images and video below!

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3G iPhone May Have Front Facing Camera?
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Ken - June 24, 2008 at 3:57am
it's an air bubble!!!! geeze, look at the other air bubbles.. i have em too!
Filipe Guerra
Filipe Guerra - June 13, 2008 at 9:53pm
I strongly believe apple is saving a few surprises for the iPhone 3G launch!! Front camera, Flash player, copy/paste, video call & mms... maybe some of this features aren't ready yet, don't forget the 2.0fw is still beta. Also the iPhone 3G patent mentions: Instant Messaging Flash and Quicktime in Safari A blogging client Java software downloads MMS messaging Voice activated commands Voice Recording Optical sensor for videoconferencing None of these features were mentioned yet...
chadvt - June 13, 2008 at 9:26am
additional sensor... that is
alle - June 12, 2008 at 5:49pm
At first I thought it was a camera (it could be, I want a front facing camera) but if you look at the video, at first you see the "camera" but after 12 seconds when he turns the "camera" is gone. But Im not sure and I hope there will be a camera But it didn't looked like that Im afraid
Reza - June 12, 2008 at 5:07pm
It looks like the reflection of the light bulb of the ceiling and nothing more. The phone doesn't seem to support MMS let alone two way video calls...
steve - June 12, 2008 at 4:01pm
it looks like a smudge...if you watch the video you can see the frame where the "front facing camera" would be, then the next frame when he asks the audience to clap she turns the phone away from the direct light were it looks like there is no camera. In my opinion it would be able to be seen with or without light.
t775 - June 12, 2008 at 12:14pm
I'd put a vote in that he was just using the first generation iPhone like all of the other 2.0 beta testers have been using all this time.
Number_41 - June 12, 2008 at 11:24am
It looks really convincing though. And he had the case on so people wouldnt see what the new iphone looked like before steve presented it at the end N41
raspoutine - June 12, 2008 at 11:10am
True, although, why would he have it wrapped in this ugly grey cover for an official presentation? I think he was definitely hiding something and I vote for the prototype hypothesis !
Citizen D
Citizen D - June 12, 2008 at 10:58am
Hi, I thnk not. If so, why would Apple hide such an important feature at the launch event? /D
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