Martin Fichter, acting president of HTC America says, 'iPhones are not that cool anymore' in an interview at the Mobile Future Forward conference, reports GeekWire.
"Apple is innovating. Samsung is innovating. We are innovating. Everybody is innovating. And everybody is doing different things for the end consumers. I brought my daughter back to college - she's down in Portland at Reed - and I talked to a few of the kids on her floor. And none of them has an iPhone because they told me: 'My dad has an iPhone.' There's an interesting thing that's going on in the market. The iPhone becomes a little less cool than it was. They were carrying HTCs. They were carrying Samsungs. They were even carrying some Chinese manufacture's devices. If you look at a college campus, Mac Book Airs are cool. iPhones are not that cool anymore. We here are using iPhones, but our kids don't find them that cool anymore."
Responding to a question about what's preventing the creation of an iPhone killer, Fichter said he's not sure they want to kill the iPhone.
"I've heard the term iPhone killer a lot of times, outside of my company and inside my company. Whenever I hear it in meeting rooms inside HTC, I caution people and say: 'Hey, look, there is a market there for the iPhone.' I don't think we want to kill the iPhone because it is geared to a certain amount of people who like things in a certain way, and we do something different. If you want to do the same thing as iPhone in exactly the same way, why don't you send your people to the Apple store and have them buy an iPhone? We want to do something different. We want to appeal to different end users who have different values. And, if you look at the segmentation and the demographics of what we are doing, we are selling phones to different people. So, I don't like the term iPhone killer. I think we do something different."
HTC and Apple are suing each other for patent infringement. Recently an ITC judge found HTC in violation of two Apple patents which appear to be at the core of Android. That decision has yet to be reviewed.
As a tech support professional for 2 different carriers (ATT + VZW), I've had hands on experience with iOS, Android, BB, Windows phones for years.
The overwhelming majority of the issues with phones I've dealt with involve Android and BB. These phones have so many software and hardware issues that I won't even start going into them all here. At least BB is well-documented and supported by RIM. Android is usually just hope and pray you can find something approaching a fix on some forum, because usually even the manufacturers aren't aware of the issue for some time. And if they are, you get a mumbled "software update in the works" on your call to them about it.
iOS issues have been easy to find root cause and easy to solve. I can count one one hand the number of major issues I've dealt with. And most of them involved an idiot screwing up their JB attempt and flipping out.
Windows phones? Oddly, I've had few if any major issues come up with them yet. Most have involved syncing with Exchange servers, but that's usually just somebody getting the server settings wrong on setup (and that kind of crap happens on all of the OS anyway).
All in all, I'd say iOS or Windows win, hands down.
All the hype about who come up with what, who copied, who who who etc etc.
iPhone was not first at anything, and before you put your 2cents forward please get all facts in order.
The first FULL TOUCH screen phone was the IBM Simon in 1992.
Design copied??? By what I recall LG Prada design came out long long before the iPhone 4.
iPhone copied a hell of a lot from Linux, webos, symbian, android... Which isn't bad because ideas build on ideas, evolving for ever for without evolution we'd still be nit picking up in trees.
To compare iPhone v Android?!?!
I see iPhone as the fit toned 100 meter runner who is quick and smooth in a straight dash, and the Android as the super ironman triathlete that out performs in every other way.
Your absolutely spot on.
And why do apple fanboys cry every time they don't get their way, whether it be a conversation / debate or just someone having their say. :I
Ehhh, I'll stick w/ my iPhone. I had the Droid X and Thunderbolt In the same wk (leaving ATT for Verizon), and I'm not impressed w/ Android. I won't doubt the things Android is doing, but there is way too much going on w/ Android. Yes, it's more flexible, but you have to root it to gain total freedom of your phone. Rooting the X was easy, but rooting thr Thunderbolt was hell. And then the devices themselves, the Thunderbolt's power was shitty on the 4G. Apple may be slow and simple, but at least they release a device that works (minus Antennagate). I can deal w/ no LTE in an iPhone and iOS 5 for the time being. Maybe we'll get LTE on the next-next gen iPhone.
I have another kind of pro job and I don't wan to "play" with my phone. iPhone is perfet for me, used it since v1 and love how it does not change that much and stays easy to use. I will let you kids play with the other phones. My time goes elsewhere to help most of you anyway. JB'd my v1 but too much of a hassle to keep up with things. Cmon, no time to dig in deep all the time. "Not cool"? So what. Give the kids their colourful lollipops.
I have htc with android and man it's shit! Menu all over the place no logic to it...
Any way talk is cheap, let them buy webos and put their money where their mouth is!
Long live iPhone and it's UI!!
And the the guy above talked about Nokia windows, I too look forward to mango device
Im getting fed of iPhone too - had one since v.1. You just used to get some change when you buy new Phone.. iPhone just keeps staying still - in a way or another. And to be honest as power computer user - pro user, I'm used to more flexible way of doing things. Super idiotic way to navigate iPhone is probably great for my 3year old but i would like to get more out of my mobile. We have passed the times when it was all new and WOW.. now need something that works like - well almost like proper computer, fast, efficient, shortcuts, super PRO.
I think I'm going to give Nokia Windows 8 Mobile a go... its been like 5years since my last Nokia anyway.... like the new thinking behind the UI. Candy icons are so yesterday. Phewww.. ;)
I have to warn you, Nokia is nothing but crap. Get anything but Nokia. They are very poor in quality and the customer service is the worst I have ever experienced in my life.
You guys are aware you can customize your UI right ?
I suppose people may get bored with their stock UI , but regardless it's still the best phone on the market. Just JB it. It's easy nowadays thanks to some hard-working Dev teams