January 21, 2025
New Microsoft 'I'm a PC' Ad Airs [Watch It]

New Microsoft 'I'm a PC' Ad Airs [Watch It]

Posted September 18, 2008 at 10:33pm by iClarified
Microsoft has aired its first 'I'm a PC' ads featuring numerous many different PC users stating 'I'm a PC and I......'

The new Microsoft commercial begins with a character who resembles John Hodgman (ie the PC character in the Apple 'Get A Mac' campaign). "Hello, I'm a PC," the engineer says, echoing Mr. Hodgman's recurring line, "and I've been made into a stereotype."

It continues by featuring numerous PC users including Bill Gates, Eva Longoria, Pharrell, and even Microsoft employees. At the end you see the message: Windows. Life Without Walls.

You can watch the new advertisement below!

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Comments (22)
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rodr2257 - September 21, 2008 at 1:03pm
it was pretty good... to be honest!
Lyrrad - September 19, 2008 at 1:07pm
Robert: My comment was not pointed at you. But now that you've raised the point, nothing about this ad is stolen. Apple started the mudslinging with the “I’m a PC” and “I’m a Mac” ads, but this ad does not sling back, in fact the Mac or Apple is not mentioned. They take the high road and only seek to break the stereotype Apple has been promoting about PC’s. The one character appears for about 7 sec. and the rest of the ad looks nothing like the Apple ad, so what’s stolen? If you can dish it you better be prepared to take it, but in this case they aren’t even throwing a punch.
Rb29 - September 19, 2008 at 12:07pm
PC >>>>> F' a Mac
Pong - September 19, 2008 at 10:05am
Bah! Both MacOSX and Windows are basically the same thing. One has a taskbar, the other has a dock. One has menus on the windows, one has a menubar at the top. They run the same processors and GFX-cards. There really are only two differences; 1. it's a little easier to find your windows on MS Windows (no pun intended), 2. after 6 months to a year a PC becomes annoyingly slow and unresponsive and will need to be re-installed, while the Mac does not. Anyway, say what you will about this commercial, but one thing's for sure: it didn't make me want to go out and buy anything...
Cadu - September 19, 2008 at 10:02am
PS: spent = spend Sorry for my english
Cadu - September 19, 2008 at 10:00am
Smart add,much better than the seinfeld nonsense. But for all Windows fans let me say this: I used PC's my entire life and bought my first Mac 2 years ago. The plain simple fact is that Mac's are better computers. There is no way you can argue with that. It's true that Mac cost more, have less software and i DO understand that is much harder to built a OS for 1 zillion different computers. But this does not change the fact that macs are better. They don't crash , no BSD , no "cancel or allow" in every click and OS X is much,much,much easier to use than windows. So if you think that is better to spent 400 bucks every couple of years in a PC , ok. I prefer to spent 1.500 and keep the Mac for over 5 years (Does ANYONE ever used a PC for that long?) anyway, Be Happy with your not cool, ugly, junk PC Just kidding
Telia - September 19, 2008 at 9:44am
This ad is great! The thing I dislike most about Apple is this idea that buying a Apple product is a lifestyle choice. This is what the I'm a Mac ads reflect; PC's are useless and Mac's are clean, young and trendy. What I think MS are saying in this ad is that there is no Windows stereotype. This sounds really obvious but its taken this ad to show me that MS don't want to have a brand stereotypical image like Apple chooses. Also notice how Apple aren't afraid of slinging mud at Microsoft but how Microsoft raises above it to show that they are not what Apple make them out to be.
Robert - September 19, 2008 at 8:10am
Lyrrad: I am well aware of this,and I don't presume to tell anyone which OS to buy. All I'm doing is questioning the effectiveness of this MS campaign, seing as how I work in marketing myself. Stealing the Apple concept in an attempt to increase the value of the MS trademark is CERTAINLY NOT the way I would go if I was in charge of MS marketing. All I'm saying is that this will not be a very effective campaign, regardless of who's OS is the best. And for the record, I'm not a Mac nor am I a PC. I'm just a guy who happens to use both of them.
Lyrrad - September 19, 2008 at 7:09am
For those of you who don’t get it, let me spell it out for you, It’s all about getting our dollars, it’s not about which OS is better or who stole what from whom. The development of the cult like following is the job of the various marketing departments at Microsoft and Apple. Those of us who wave the flag and say I’m a mac or I’m a PC have bought into the marketing that has been going on for years. Bottom-line, both operating systems do the same thing, argue all you want but neither is better. Microsoft is the big guy, so he gets attacked a lot (criticism, viruses, government, etc.). Apple is the smaller guy, so he moves a bit quicker, but he’s also learning a few growth lessons (failed deployments, misrepresentation of capabilities issue, struggling to get into the corporate environment, struggling to stay proprietary and keep the hackers at bay, etc). Don’t buy into the marketing hype, but do enjoy the ride, after all its just a computer and a new and faster OS is only a day away, today its apple, tomorrow Microsoft, on and on. The marketing engine on both sides will continue to do things to build up the hype create that following, you can choose to be sheep and follow along, join a camp and wave a flag, or you can sit back and be entertained. I’m a PC, I’m a Mac, I think for myself.
Robert - September 19, 2008 at 6:20am
Oh, and another thing: Isn't it enough that Windows is a blatant copy of the Mac OS's? They have to copy their ads too?!?!?
Sean - September 19, 2008 at 6:18am
at 00:50 I am not a human Doing I am not a human Thinking (I use Windows)
Robert - September 19, 2008 at 6:12am
So what exactly is this ad trying to say? "Hi, we're all PC's, and we don't have a single original idea between us." ???? And what's this crap about "life without walls"??? What's that all about? That Bill Gates can come and check you out and register all you do, in your see-thru home without walls?? I for one like walls. They protect my privacy, whether it be house walls, or firewalls... And besides, without walls windows fall down... :)
Will - September 19, 2008 at 5:42am
Well... Whats the point in denying it... But still this ads are beyond sad... i mean how much does MS pays to the marketing department... I could do something better than that for free just to stop watching them lose all dignity in this....
Khaled - September 19, 2008 at 5:40am
OK, i just saw this and I have to say MSFT are wasting their money with this bigtime and i love it!! of course whatever they spent on this is basically the interest on the interest on the interest on their cash but hey, at least its going down the drains like their Vista and xBox lol GO MAC AND SONY!! lol
Shibi - September 19, 2008 at 4:43am
I'm a Linux
Cody - September 19, 2008 at 3:25am
lol what an uninspired ad. who cares about all the celebrities, i feel bad for them having to use pc's. i bet they have ipods and not zunes lol.
Mike - September 19, 2008 at 1:11am
Boring... big time. Not funny, not entertaining, and most of all not convincing anyone of anything.
Tomas953 - September 19, 2008 at 1:05am
Im a PC, my sister is a MAC, and my mom is a PC lol
Lyrrad - September 18, 2008 at 11:44pm
Well, that was an extremely entertaining ad. They teased us with the first two, then bam!!! they hit back hard. This ad is reminiscent of the cola wars. I can't wait to see the Apple comeback and the next Microsoft salvo. . . . btw, I'm a MAC and a PC
Khaled - September 18, 2008 at 11:25pm
hahaha!! i dtill didn't watch it and i know its going to be stupid lol BTW, Hi I'm a Mac
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