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I0n1c Successfully Jailbreaks iOS 5.1!

I0n1c Successfully Jailbreaks iOS 5.1!

Posted March 15, 2012 at 4:48pm by iClarified
Portuguese (Brazil)
I0n1c has just announced the successful jailbreak of iOS 5.1 on the iPad 2 via a series of pictures posted to his Twitter.

I0n1c is the hacker behind the 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak. While no further information has been provided on his exploit, we are hopeful that this is an untethered jailbreak that would work for all devices on iOS 5.1, including the iPhone 4S; however, we cannot confirm that yet.

If the exploit is in the OS it could even work for the iPad 3 scheduled for release tomorrow, as I0n1ic hints, "Anyway so maybe the iPad 3 will not be jailbroken tomorrow, but on Monday or whenever I get my iPad 3."

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I0n1c Successfully Jailbreaks iOS 5.1!

I0n1c Successfully Jailbreaks iOS 5.1!

I0n1c Successfully Jailbreaks iOS 5.1!

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Comments (17)
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Someone - March 17, 2012 at 9:38am
haha im not sure where I0n1c lives but that bus pass showed in the first picture is from translink canada with a zone 3 which most probably would be in Surrey, British Columbia
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - March 16, 2012 at 3:01pm
No thanks this time 5.0.1 jailbreak was so crap and bugged phone icon vanishing email app force closing blank white app icons appearing never again
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - March 16, 2012 at 3:00pm
Tight bugger buy iPhoto FFs
JB user
JB user - March 16, 2012 at 1:09am
Well done, iClarified. This post is an other starting point of people becoming impatient and complaining about "broken promises". You should know that just a screenshot of Cydia does not mean that it can run all unsigned codes perfectly. Remember how long it took from Musclenerds initial screenshot to final release? Better to assume that it will still take a long time. If JB is released sooner than you thought, great! But stop bitching around if it doesn't come out next week.
das - March 16, 2012 at 12:29am
watch out because ionic is the asshole who said jailbreaks should block Installous from being installed in jailbroken devices
Juergen - March 16, 2012 at 7:13am
I completely agree!! Block Installous so cheap thieves will stop giving jailbreaking a bad name. Please block it!!!
NA - March 16, 2012 at 3:17pm
Sorry to brake your bubble, but the point of the Jailbrake is to give you ROOT access, to your device. So you have access to EVERYTHING on that device. So I don't think there is a way to block it.
iCrunch - March 15, 2012 at 9:41pm
What??? ...the fukk? That would be awesome! ESPECIALLY if it's for the 3rd gen. iPad! Can we get this dude an iPad 3 already???
angel_92701 - March 15, 2012 at 8:36pm
@robert. Pls don't. Donate $5 or $10 is enough
Tom - March 15, 2012 at 8:11pm
Sure he did I bet by tomorrow or Monday expect a "problem"
Oh hell ya
Oh hell ya - March 15, 2012 at 6:03pm
I knew jailbreak community will never let us down..Once you love what you do .You just do it. Thank you guys for this awesome jailbreak. Let us no how to help for your handwork from hell to life!
robertkarlsen - March 15, 2012 at 5:51pm
I LOVE THIS IPHONE DEV COMMUNITY! I could easily donate my whole paycheck every month, but my girlfriend would kill me for that! Good job!
Fernando Bravo
Fernando Bravo - March 15, 2012 at 5:44pm
HHhhhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhhuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! I love this guy!!!!!!!!!!
Seenu - March 15, 2012 at 5:38pm
Yea Let the rant begin But I want to update as I want to use iPhoto
Fernando Bravo
Fernando Bravo - March 15, 2012 at 5:46pm
All hacker iPhotos that I installed abortion .... :( :( :(
Rod - March 15, 2012 at 5:51pm
iPhoto can work on 5.0.1 if you download the fix from cydia...
ipad - March 15, 2012 at 5:06pm
cool!!! let the fun begins!!!!
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