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JailbreakCon 2012 Event Schedule Posted

JailbreakCon 2012 Event Schedule Posted

Posted August 1, 2012 at 7:50pm by iClarified
JailbreakCon, a convention for jailbreakers that takes place this fall, has just posted their event schedule.

The convention features presentations and hands on workshops from a number of high profile developers and researchers. It's being held at the South San Francisco Conference Center on September 29th.

Event Schedule:
9:00-9:45 Aaron Ash (Developer of multiple Cydia based tweaks).

9:45-10:15 Josh M. Tucker (iOS Concept artist and former writer for ModMyi).

10:20-11:50 Carsten Heinelt (Developer of the popular file management package, iFile).

11:55-13:45 Lunch & workshops

13:50-14:35 pod2g (French iOS security researcher).

14:40-15:10 ih8sn0w + Notcom (iOS developers and researchers responsible for Sn0wbreeze and Tiny Umbrella respectively).

15:15-15:45 NitoTV (Apple TV Jailbreak legend).

15:50-16:20 Ryan Petrich (Hardest working man in the jailbreak community. Creator of multiple essential Cydia offerings).

16:25-16:55 Jaywalker (iOS security specialist).

17:00-18:00 Jay Freeman (Creator of Cydia and owner of SaurikIT LLC).

18:05-18:40 Dustin Howett (Creator of theos and involved in CyDelete and Safari Download Manager packages).

18:45-19:15 pimskeks (iOS developer and hacker, member of the Chronic Dev Team).

19:15-19:45 Panel (On stage question and answer session with multiple developers).

Tickets to the event are still available for $80.

JailbreakCon 2012 Event Schedule Posted
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Comments (3)
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somesoong - August 2, 2012 at 4:50pm
... and now they playing like celebrities, ohh... they selling ticket too for the conference?? what the...
anno - August 2, 2012 at 3:11am
lol it would be funny if some apple people showed up to this and then the fbi and them burt in and arrested all the jailbreakers and shut them down lol jailbreaking is dum it damages your device and causes lots of currpution if not done correctly and voids your warrenty
Acermac3 - August 2, 2012 at 2:58pm
Jailbreaking is not dumb. It extends the usability of locked product. I've been Jailbreaking my device for years and not had a problem with "damaging" my device. As for the warranty, who cares... the device is losing value rapidly, every day you own it creeps closer to a new replacement device coming out, or an upgrade iOS that your "older" device can't install. When jailbreaking your device don't "kitchen sink it" only install the Cydia apps you really need, for me its iFile, SiriAssitantServer, a location spoofer, and sbsettings, terminal, PDAnet so I can share a network connection. As for your FBI comment, why would the FBI be involved? Jailbreaking your phone is a violation of a user agreement, not the law. The user agreement is written by Apple not a judge, so violate away. It's your device you purchased it, you own it. Why would the FBI care if you put a file browser (iFile) on your device or a sports car theme on your springboard?... I think they have bigger fish to fry. Now using "Installous" and installing apps for free is clearly a copyright violation, that is breaking the law and can get egregious violators in hot water.
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