Chpwn's Jailbreak to be Reserved as 'Failbreak' for iOS Jailbreak Developers Only
Posted September 29, 2012 at 10:51pm by iClarified
Chpwn has revealed that his jailbreak of iOS 6 will be reserved as a 'failbreak' for iOS jailbreak developers only.
@chpwn: RT @AlexEHeath: They have a "failbreak" for iOS 6 (likely what we all saw on @chpwn's iPhone 5), but it's only for devs and can't be released to the public
@chpwn: Just to clarify: what @pod2g meant is that the "failbreak" is for jailbreak developers (e.g. @iphone_dev, @chronicdevteam, etc).
It's our understanding that this 'failbreak' will make it easier for the dev teams to find public jailbreaks for each version of iOS 6 going forward.
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and RSS for more information as it becomes available.
apple is better off keeping the jail breakers around to keep the iphone followers. and jail breakers benefit from enabling their app store (cydia) to all who would pay for a good jb app. So no one is doing charity. it's about your choice.
I really have respect for jailbreak dev teams, I mean they are programmers who like challenging. AND REMEMBER, THE JAILBREAK TOOLS ARE FREE, if they want money, I think they would make millions already by just selling those even $1/ea. I still love my iphone, esp. iphone5
The iPhone it's so dull without a jaibreak, so I guess I'll have to go for samsung now, by the way apple never gives nothing back to the community or poor people, all they do is buying everything, so I guess they just bought out the Dev Team, so there won't be a jailbreal for ios 6, I knew the Dev Team Had a Price.Time to Buy Samsung now.
This may be the case. Or this may not be the case. Just remember that when you buy your Samsung opposed to the iPhone because you were impatient to wait for an official iOS6 jailbreak- Samsung will always be your second choice, not your first. It will suck knowing that you had to jump ships just because Samsung will not live up your expectations. Trust me on this.
my old 3G runs a slower than the S2 and my 3GS beats it hands down. S2 is nice with a big screen but using it cause me much frustration. It's just a eye-candy. I'm enjoying very bit of iphone 5, even more when jb for it is out.
Wow, I could only say I'm impress, the Galaxy SIII is a nice piece of work, for the money, pay $575.00 with 16gb and a 64gb micro-usb, and guess what I did install an app that can download everything for free, just like installous no need to jailbreak, the screen is so nice for gaming, glad I did change from iphone to samsung, go a get do the same I won't tell on you...treat yourself for once to a good thing in life...
i tried, which is why from iPhone 2G i switched to Galaxy SII. apparently it was a waste and a stupid move.i should pay a bit more for an iPhone and still smiling until today..
i assume this means that to jailbreak new iPhones is getting harder and harder. Developers are saving their known jailbreak method for themself because they have no plan B if they released their plan A. Apple is winning the security game it seems.
Is it now? It got jailbroken withing 1 week of release... if anything, looks easier.. Looks like that whatever they've found is worth it to keep a secret because it's "too good to let apple know about it"..
Nah, just the desire to have another excuse for the 6 month delay this year to rack up donations. They probably got sick of hearing "you're dragging your feet" last year as they dragged their feet
I hope Pod2G will release his.
Pod2G if you are looking for an iPhone 5 we will buy you one if thats what you need to jailbreak IOS6.
I will personally buy you an Iphone5.
Just let me know
That will be my donation to you.
Thank you
All he is doing is ensuring his own personal backdoor is left open, and is leaving the others to open the windows for the rest of us burglars to enjoy the booty.
I dont understand how people dont know this. Just because someone is able to or likes doing something doesnt mean they wanna do it over n over n over... Well Said Who Cares