USA TODAY has announced the availability of a USA TODAY application on the Apple App Store.
"The USA TODAY application for iPhone and iPod touch is a great addition to our impressive suite of mobile products," said Matt Jones, director of Mobile Strategy and Operations. "The incredible capabilities of these devices are a natural fit for USA TODAY's rich mobile-ready content and mobile audience."
USA TODAY's application leverages the familiar look and feel that readers trust and expect from the USA TODAY brand; it provides access to the latest news stories, weather, photos and interactive polls. Easy to navigate, colorful and convenient, USA TODAY for iPhone offers the following features:
-- Headlines -- Browse and read stories from News, Money, Sports, Life, Tech and Travel. Articles can be shared via email, text message or Twitter, and are automatically saved for later reading. -- USA TODAY Snapshots(R) -- Scan through USA TODAY Snapshots(R), and vote on an interactive poll question for each. Review responses from all users and filter the results by state and city. -- Scores -- Review the latest sports scores for NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, college football and college basketball. College scores can be filtered down by conferences. -- Weather -- Get current weather conditions, up-to-the minute regional radar and the five day forecast at your exact location via GPS. Review national weather maps including Doppler radar, temperature and precipitation forecasts. -- Photos -- Flip through the day's best images from news, sports, celebrities, science, travel and weather or play them back as a slideshow. Share favorite images with friends via email.
The USA TODAY application also features support for a variety of rich media mobile advertising executions including click-to-call, click-to-maps using the user's GPS location and video. Campaigns can be targeted to the various sections such as News, Money, Sports, Life, Tech or Travel. The USA TODAY iPhone application was designed and developed in cooperation with Mercury Intermedia of Brentwood, Tenn.