February 8, 2025
Slacker Launches Personal Radio Mobile App

Slacker Launches Personal Radio Mobile App

Posted January 14, 2009 at 2:22pm by iClarified
Slacker has announced the availability of the free Slacker Mobile application for iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPod touch at the Apple iTunes App Store. The free application is available immediately by visiting www.Slacker.com from your iPhone.

iPhone and iPod touch users in the U.S. can now have a powerful and personalized listening and music discovery experience that lets anyone listen to over 100 expert-programmed Slacker stations, over 10,000 artist stations or a nearly unlimited number of the listener's own custom-created stations.

For the first time, iPhone and iPod touch owners can take advantage of Slacker's unique features for the ultimate in music discovery, such as artist biographies and album reviews, station fine tuning, "peek ahead" song previews and custom artist stations. In addition to marking songs as favorites, listeners can also ban songs and artists to create perfect custom radio stations on their iPhones.

The innovative Slacker music service enables listeners to access personal radio stations using their iPhone or iPod and hear their favorite music without having to manage playlists, research new artists or transfer music from their home computers. The Slacker Mobile application works with the free Slacker Basic Radio service, along with Slacker Radio Plus and Slacker Premium Radio subscription offerings.

"Our primary goal is to deliver the best listening experience in as many places as possible," said Jonathan Sasse, SVP of Marketing for Slacker. "We believe that the release of Slacker Radio delivers the best radio and music discovery application available for the iPhone."

Slacker Personal Radio is available on the web (www.Slacker.com), Slacker Personal Radio Players, Logitech Squeezebox and Transporter network music players, Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry smartphones, Sony BRAVIA Internet Video Link and now on the iPhone and iPod touch.

Slacker Mobile for iPhone:
-- Free music library featuring millions of songs
-- High-quality stereo playback from any wireless connection
-- Over 100 professionally programmed genre stations
-- Create custom stations based on artists or songs
-- Fine tune stations on-the-fly to play more of the music you like
-- View artist biographies and photos
-- View album art and reviews
-- "Peek Ahead" artist and album preview
-- Pause and skip songs
-- Rate songs as favorites
-- Ban the songs and artists you don't like

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Slacker Launches Personal Radio Mobile App Slacker Launches Personal Radio Mobile App Slacker Launches Personal Radio Mobile App
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