Mac-Chi has released Googaby 1.0, their powerful Google Contacts and Address Book utility for Mac OS X. With pervasive drag-n-drop and a customizable iTunes-stye browser Googaby allows Google Contacts to full participate in a normal Macintosh workflow. Googaby can also push any changes to the Address Book up to Google in the background. And with WhoPaste, Googaby has reduced the effort to capture contact information to near zero. It just can't get any easier.
With WhoPaste the user just drags over contact information in any application where text is selectable: a browser, an email, a Pages document, a Sticky Note, or many other sources. With one keystroke, Googaby does the heavy lifting of busting apart the data and attaching a citation to the source of the information. Then, after giving the user a chance to review and augment, Googaby stores the new contact in Google Contacts, Address Book, or both, optionally adding the new contact to set of specified groups.
Googaby can also push new or changed Address Book contacts, including pictures and group memberships, to Google in the background. The push functionality is fully customizable with no iPhone or iPod Touch required, no subscription fees, and no separate syncing step. All Gmail and Google Apps users will definitely appreciate the peace of mind that comes with Googaby's full backup and restore for Google Contacts.
For anyone new to either Macintosh or Gmail/Google Apps, Googaby offers one-button direct data loading for either Google Contacts or Address Book; no text files, no export or import. Customized data loading options are also available. There's plenty of umph for those discerning geek elites too. Support for multiple Google Accounts (drag groups and contacts between Google accounts), drag contacts directly into spreadsheets, union or intersect for multiple groups, complete control over vCard data, automatic case conversion, customizable phone formatting, and more.
Feature highlights include: * One keystroke data capture with WhoPaste * Backup and restore Google Contacts and Groups * User selectable Address Book Groups, including Smart Groups, pushed to Google in the background * Drag-and-drop contacts and groups between different Google accounts * One button data loading for Address Book or Google Contacts * Find and Replace (optional case sensitivity) * Drag directly into spreadsheets (optional column headings included) * Hyperlinked Note field * Complete control over vCard data * Drag-and-drop contact pictures using a built-in zoom and crop tool * Execute AppleScripts (support for custom user scripts) * Fully customizable familiar iTunes-style interface
Pricing and Availability: Googaby 1.0 is available for only $24.95 (USD) for a single machine license. A free 10 day trial version is available for download. Review coupons for Googaby are available to the media.