Chronos has released iClipboard 2, an update to their ultimate clipboard manager. iClipboard allows users to keeps a history of everything you copy to the clipboard from any application.
New Features:
- iClipboard menu in menu bar for quick access to clippings - Paste rich text clippings as plain text - Rapid-Fire Clipboard lets users quickly copy a bunch of clippings then paste them consecutively - Three options for controlling the clipping shelf height: Auto-adjustable, fixed height, user-adjustable - Double-click clippings to paste them - Web clippings can now be edited - Ignore application list ensures clippings from those applications aren't recorded - Special hot key to open/close the clipping shelf - Named clippings so clippings can be identified by name - Clippings can be pasted using the system-wide Services menu - Locked clippings and projects to keep important clippings forever - Supports selection of multiple clippings which can be deleted or moved to a different project - Multiple clippings or all clippings can now be pasted all at once - Owners of SOHO Notes can create notes from clippings
How it Works: Whenever you copy (Edit > Copy) data in any application, the clipping is automatically recorded in iClipboard's history. iClipboard has a special shelf that unobtrusively slides out from the side of the screen so you can view and use the clipboard history at any time.
iClipboard lets you go back and paste any clipping from the history into any application. This means you're no longer limited to pasting just the last thing you copied. To paste a clipping, simply click the Paste button that appears above the clipping you want to paste.
You can also create an unlimited number of projects where you can store clippings. For example, you can create a research paper project that you use while working on your research paper. Anything you copy to the clipboard while you have that project selected will be stored in this project. You can easily switch projects at any time using the project button at the top of the shelf.