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Which Smartphone Has the Best Battery Life? [Infographic]

Which Smartphone Has the Best Battery Life? [Infographic]

Posted June 28, 2013 at 12:19pm by iClarified
Which.co.uk has posted a new infographic that compares the battery of top selling smartphones.

The iPhone comes in second last place with low scores on call time and internet use; however, it does have the fastest charging time.

Take a look at the graphic below to see the rankings.

Read More [via iSpazio]

Which Smartphone Has the Best Battery Life? [Infographic]
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Comments (33)
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gigglebiz - July 19, 2013 at 2:26pm
mad fockers, u cant beat the nokia 3310. lasts for a week and indestructible.
gamerscul9870 - July 19, 2013 at 2:28pm
Nokia is old, the reason its battery life drains in 41mp camera, beat that guy below!
gamerscul9870 - July 19, 2013 at 2:30pm
Saminator - June 30, 2013 at 9:12pm
Freud, it seems that you have no idea what you’re talking about. “Samsung has quad-core and octo-core in international version. Primate Labs ran benchmark tests and results showed the S4 is two times faster than iPhone 5.” Yeah, that might be true, but does it really matter? If the browser rendering speed is only limited by the speed of your connection, games and animations all run at 60 FPS and basically everything you do is just as fast (or faster) then on the “superior” processor? The only time where you might be realizing that you have that “horsepower” in an S4 is when rendering videos or other CPU intensive things. The A6 handles it all well with iOS. Of course iOS is way more optimized since it only has to run on very few phones, but in the end it comes down to customer experience, and they shouldn’t care if a CPU is twice as fast as the other one if the other one does everything just as well. “Iphone has an astounding 1136×640-pixel resolution at 326 pixels per inch. The Screen is a whopping 5 inches, with 1920×1080 at 441 pixel per inch. Are you kidding me! And the Gorilla Glass 3 makes it one of the most solid phone in the world.” Okay, does it really matter? Screen size is a matter of customer preference. Both phones have resolutions and dots per inch that high that you can’t differenciate the pixels from a normal viewing distance. Both displays (resolution-wise) are very crisp, so in the end it comes down to what screen size an individual person wants. The 4 inch screen is definetely more usable with one hand, and the 5 inch screen might be a bit better for watching movies (and on the 4-inch one, the phone is smaller of course). So it comes down to what you prefer. Simple as that. “Ability to change Battery?” Even if that is possible in the S4, again, it’s just a feature to say out loud. Barely any customer will ever change the battery in his/her phone. “Google Now is light years ahead of Siri.” It’s not really the same thing. Also, at what sacrifice of privacy do you use Google Now? Think about it. Also, Now is available on iOS as well. “Google Maps is not available on iPhone. The best map in the world. Really?” Okay, this one proves that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Google Maps is in fact available on iOS (from the AppStore). Google couldn’t afford that they left it out of there because it’s where they get about 50% of the data they use to improve their maps from. Also, there is no such thing as “the best map in the world” – different maps are for different purposes. “You can control TV and any applications with infrared waves.” Nice feature if you want to do that. But they usually ship remotes with TV sets. “Air view, a feature only S4 has that uses heat signature from your fingers to preview emails , videos, and other applications.” Again, just a feature that’s barely a system seller. “Better picture software, with a 13 megapixel, it destroys the iPhone 5 megapixels.” Yeah, the megapixels. Did you ever hear something about virtual upscaling or something? The sensor never ever catches 13 megapixels natively. The camera won’t be any better because of that. “There are 50 more reasons why the S4 outweights the iPhone 5, please refund Apple whatever they paid you to write this article.” Alright, continue your fanboyism!
gamerscul9870 - June 29, 2013 at 12:58pm
nokia luma may have a stupid better camera, but it does worst on battry level than iphone 5, it can't be that bad in my opinion.
euphoriavision - June 29, 2013 at 6:58am
Samsung OS is pretty good, but the hardware is crap. The new BB is a better phone then the S4 but BB OS is garbage. So what i am trying to say is if you want something complete you get an iPhone.
njofra - June 29, 2013 at 1:18am
Not true, I have HTC One and I love it, but battery life is better on my well-used, 3 years old iPhone 4. Friend's iPhone 5 is also much longer lasting
G Daddy
G Daddy - June 29, 2013 at 12:51am
Yeah and the GS 4 is not easy to acquire. It's free with a trade in and it's going for `149...Not even worth the plastic it's in. When GS 4 fixes the bugs with priority issues to messaging, then you can talk S^%$ about how great that Tuckin battery is. You need all the battery just to make sure your messages and phone calls are being received. Tuck Android!! After returning that shi* twice..I've learn not to go CHEAP with my smartphone.
jojo - June 29, 2013 at 2:06pm
By hot you mean samsung is spending 5 times more on adds than apple, that just shows who needs them :)
lol08 - June 28, 2013 at 11:08pm
el oh el..... another one? they are eveywhere.. iSheep detection.. iblehhhh, ibleehhhhh
McGiord - June 28, 2013 at 9:50pm
Hopefully they increase the battery duration for the next iPhone model...That obsession with having the thinnest device had been taking a toll in certain functional features of the iPhone.
Awayze - June 28, 2013 at 9:25pm
What a load of BS, my friends GS4 drains like bitch on web browsing, as if, my iPhone 5 has better battery life but the iPhone 4 trashes both
lol08 - June 28, 2013 at 11:07pm
el oh el..... iSheep detection.. iblehhhh, ibleehhhhh
PhoneApp - June 28, 2013 at 5:28pm
With iOS7 tests as a comparison would be a worthy update.
asaadsaleh - June 28, 2013 at 2:58pm
not true, they didn't include the Galaxy Note II, my galaxy note 2 battery is 2~3 times better than my iPhone 4s and much more than my other iphone 5 compared mainly doing the same things on both, i can do a charge for my note 2 every 24hrs, while i need to charge my other iphones 2 times during the 24hrs. (it will take much longer to charge though) in some reports they say Note 2 is better in battery than the S4
xxx3 - June 28, 2013 at 5:36pm
Bull... I had all iphones and I recently moved to galaxy, why because there was not even one day with my iphone running oout battery, galaxy s4 last me all day and more, I dont need to be begging for chsrgers everywhere
Dan - June 28, 2013 at 6:34pm
Lol. Galaxy is looking better n better.... This might b my last year with apple.
lol08 - June 28, 2013 at 11:11pm
el oh el..... another one? they are eveywhere.. iSheep detection.. iblehhhh, ibleehhhhh.........................................
NoGoodNick - June 28, 2013 at 2:35pm
Don't worry. You should KNOW that I (the REAL NoGoodNick) don't speak to people like this. But people with much less credibilitiy than I keep appropriating my name in the hopes that people will pay more attention to their crap if it comes from a credible source. These people should either speak for themselves so stop spouting such inflamatory stuff. But, unfortunately, iClarified makes NO attempt to curb such abuse of sources. Anyone can claim to be anyone else, and it leads to a read dedregation of the site.
Carsten - June 28, 2013 at 2:09pm
BTW A phone with a capacity almost twice as big as the other isn't an objective way of comparing it with eachother. You need to look at the average between the 2. Same as comparing who sold most phones. When one brand has 6 months and the other 3 months of the year to sell it's phone you should calculate what the average per month is. Most tech sites don't even take variables like this in account. To bad that they don't because it has so much influence on the outcome.
ken masters
ken masters - June 28, 2013 at 3:27pm
Sorry but it's the PERFECT way to compare battery life of different phones. No one cares how much electricity a battery can hold, they want to know how long phones will last
No ma'am
No ma'am - June 28, 2013 at 4:03pm
So I guess if that's the case, my iPad makes and receives phones calls and lasts a few days easy with 5x more use than my iPhone.
Nuck Chorris
Nuck Chorris - June 28, 2013 at 4:08pm
It's not practical to test a smartphone's battery life by an "average". BTW your sales analogy is ridiculous. The bottom line is the results are from testing the top phone from the top manufacturers on a single charge. If you beleive it is unfair to test the iphone against competing devices because it is smaller and slimmer and thus has a smaller battery... tough luck.
Nuck Chorris
Nuck Chorris - June 29, 2013 at 3:29am
Just to get things straight, I owned every iphone from the original up until the iphone 4. Then I woke up. I grew tired of buying the same phone over and over and was done with the same boring os. My mother does not buy my phones, I actually buy phones for her. What's your big deal with plastic? I don't mind the plastic back it allows me to use an sd card and swap the battery out if needed, but it doesn't really matter because I use a case.
gamerscul9870 - July 2, 2013 at 11:36am
then upgrade to ios 7, tired of the same bright retina display looks?
Za - June 28, 2013 at 1:55pm
I wonder if they disabled location services? I have an iPhone 5, and compared with my friends' and coworkers' android phones, battery life is worse with the GPS-enabled apps on Android...until they get a handle on the GPS apps in the background. After that, then it's about the same.
cheers12 - June 28, 2013 at 1:49pm
Contradicted by anandtech...unless you believe anandtech is biased http://www.anandtech.com/show/7107/htc-one-and-samsung-galaxy-s-4-google-play-edition-review-nearly-nexus/5
Carsten - June 28, 2013 at 1:04pm
That's a wierd conclusion. I've been working in telecom for the past 14 years and can test and try all phones. I find that Samsung has the worst battery usage from all brands followed by HTC. Can't say much about Lumia phones because I don't like the interface of Windows Phone. Charging time is correct. But up till now I'm most pleased with the iPhone. Especialy because it charges quickly. The past 5 different models I had from samsung couldn't even last half a day, even when not using it. I guess somebody had a bigger bag of money to get these ratings. ;-)
Juanleche - June 28, 2013 at 12:47pm
if you have laptop as a phone of course u gonna be able to fit 4 batteries in there. Why don't we compare how every phone is long and square now after the iPhone ? Exactly
IKAROS - June 28, 2013 at 12:45pm
Why didn't they also compared phone sizes? Of course if you have a phone almost the size of a small tablet you have much more battery area! The iPhone fares really well for a small phone.
razzterror - June 28, 2013 at 3:14pm
so according to u a tablet or a laptop should give more battery... that is not true as the phone that is bigger has a bigger screen to dissipate more battery.. and dont forget the quad core battery hungry processors...
Ken7.01 - June 28, 2013 at 12:35pm
Who cares. The iPhone is the only one that matters.
Krupanshu - June 28, 2013 at 12:31pm
How did u know that?
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