February 8, 2025
AirPort and Time Capsule Firmware Update

AirPort and Time Capsule Firmware Update

Posted March 5, 2009 at 11:29pm by iClarified
Apple has posted firmware 7.4.1 for all 802.11n-based AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express, and Time Capsule base stations.

Whats New In This Update:

For AirPort Extreme (Early 2009) and Time Capsule (Early 2009) that ship with firmware 7.4, the firmware 7.4.1 update:
- Resolves an issue in which a client computer may be disconnected when waking from sleep
- Addresses an issue in which redirecting SMTP port services may disable IP-layer networking
- Improves the reliability of Back to My Mac-based disk sharing
- Includes recent AirPort security updates

For AirPort Extreme with 802.11n (Fast Ethernet), AirPort Extreme with 802.11n (Gigabit Ethernet), AirPort Express with 802.11n, and original Time Capsule models, the firmware 7.4.1 update:
- Enables remote administration and remote access to compatible USB connected drives via Back to My Mac (except on AirPort Express)
- Improves reliability when backing up to a Time Capsule via Time Machine
- Includes recent AirPort security updates

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AirPort and Time Capsule Firmware Update
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JSON - March 7, 2009 at 10:37am
It's not precise info. The back to my mac feature is enabled by entering your MobileMe credentials. The access point will log in ITSELF, by having the tunnel open from the router/access point it is less prone to be filtered, or dropping. Also, from the Airport utility, you can now remote manage your Airport device without enabling remote management over WAN, opening SSH and exposing yourself to the world. It's the only improvement I saw.
Victor - March 7, 2009 at 10:07am
Does that mean I can close my macbook and it won't lose connection?? My MercuryMSN will remain connected and my downloads active?? :O
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