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Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0

Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0

Posted March 13, 2009 at 9:19am by iClarified
Stone Design has shipped a major revision to its top-selling Twitter client Twittelator Pro Version 2.0. With an emphasis on usability, speed, elegance and user customization, this release was redesigned from ground up for ease of use, aesthetics and stability. Free upgrade for current users.

Some major new features include:

Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0 Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0

Beautiful new User Interface:has
* complete tweet design makeover
* themes for night, daylight and indoor
* configure your top categories on TabBar
* badges show number of new tweets in each category

Much faster:
* scroll speed greatly increased
* refreshes must faster
* Wide tweet composing window (turn for landscape)
* See anyone's avatar full screen
* Upload photos to choice of 3 services: TwitPic, Pikchur or yfrog
* Shows yfrog, TwitPic, mobypic and Pikchur images right in tweet
* Shows and plays song.ly mp3's
* Stock Portfolio list for instant stock searches
* Send links to Instapaper for later reading
* 4 link shortening services: bit.ly, piurl.com, href.in & is.gd
* Email tweets
* Complete Help available in program

With many oher power features including multiple accounts, sub groups of friends, autorefresh, trending topics, conversations, nearby search for tweeters, see anyone's favorites and last tweets, advanced and persistent searches, insty-tweet links from Safari, copy/paste/retweet, high-resolution photo uploads, auto double-tweeting of long tweets, and server access log, Twittelator Pro V2 has carefully packed the most features of any twitter client into a very usable and user-configurable layout.

"We heard the critiques and went on a several month spree to re-envision Twittelator Pro" remarked Stone Design's CEO and lead computer scientist Andrew Stone. "Twittelator Pro was the #7 best-selling social networking iPhone app of 2008 and #2 for all Twitter clients. We are certain that Version 2.0 will push Twittelator Pro to its rightful spot at the top! If you enjoy the free Twittelator Lite, you'll love Twittelator Pro V2".

At just $4.99, Twittelator Pro is a great value with these features:

* Redesigned from ground up for usability for V2.0
* 3 tweet themes to suit your mood: Gradient - for indoors Dove - for outdoors Raven - for night
* Easy navigation from Tab Bar or More to anywhere
* Configure items on Tab Bar to suit you
* English, Español and Deutsche
* Complete Help at your fingertips

* You can have as many accounts as you like
* Switch between accounts instantly
* Optionally set your current location as place name
* Optionally set your current location as lat/long
* Use identi.ca "Laconica" service too!
* Create sub groups of special friends - don't miss any important tweets

Writing Tweets:
* Landscape mode for easy typing
* Reply to any Tweet or Tweeter
* Private message any Tweeter
* Toggle Private/Reply with tap
* Paste in links and text
* Option to ReTweet
* Choose from list of @friends for replying
* Option to pre-shorten links to recover precious characters when sending tweet 4 services to choose from bit.ly, piurl, href.in and is.gd
* Add a map of your current location
* Add a snapshot or library photo to your tweet
* Post photo to your choice of: Pikchur, TwitPic, yFrog
* Optionally use high resolution images
* Option to turn off confirmation for experts
* Character count always updated
* 8 Dingbats panels to insert pictorial glyphs, icons, zodiac, chess pieces, crosses, trigrams, arrows, greek, hebrew, diacriticals
* Just swipe to move betwen panels
* Auto splitting of tweets over 140 characters into two
* Instant access to your friends for easy insertion
* Confirmation on tweet so you don't pre-tweet
* Turn on or off capitalizing and auto-correction (two annoying features for tech people!)
* Tweet any link from Safari
* Safari bookmarklet to load current page as tweet

Reading A Tweet:
* Large readable font size
* Tap the tweeter's name to:
* Reply or Private message
* Re-tweet
* Email tweet
* Copy tweet
* Copy link
* Favorite tweet
* Delete tweet (if yours)
* Send link to Instapaper
* Tweet sizes to fit length of text
* See user's real name and screen name
* Photos appear inline in the tweet from: TwitPic, MobyPic, Yfrog & Pikchur
* Song.ly MP3 links have speaker button
* Follow embedded web link right in Twittelator
* Choose which link when more than one
* Tap photo to drill into tweeter's details
* Investigate any referenced tweeter in a tweet
* Load stock quote of $
* Instant search on any #tag in tweet
* Tap and hold tweet to add to Recents

Reading Tweets:
* Select how many: 20, 50, 100, 150 or 200
* Tap 'bubble' to see reply chain conversation
* See just replies to you
* See just direct messages to you
* See just your tweets
* See just your direct messages
* Follow your friends
* See everyone's tweets
* See any Tweeter's tweets
* See any Tweeter's favorites
* See Featured Tweeters
* See the current Trending Topics
* Page Down by double-tapping text of tweet
* Tap top toolbar to Page Up
* Tap top toolbar twice to scroll to top
* Refresh on demand
* Option to automatically retrieve new tweets
* Option to play sound on auto retrieve
* Option to Refresh All tab bar groups on refresh

User Details:
* Tap any picture to bring up User Details
* If @name mentioned, choice of tweeter or @name
* See their full screen version of their avatar
* See their location and bio
* Start or Stop following any tweeter
* Option to enable notifications when you follow
* Add person to your bookmarks
* Visit their website right in Twittelator
* See their favorites
* Send them reply or private message
* See how many friends and followers they have
* See how many tweets they have made
* See last tweet
* See their friends
* See their followers
* Drill down into their friends

Searching Tweets:
* Instant simple search
* Search "Nearby" to find tweeters near you
* Simple search mode (just enter words)
* Advanced Search including:
* All, Every, Not, Any
* Reference, To, From, Hashtags
* Since and Until Dates
* Nearby your current location
* Links and Questions
* Positive/Negative Attitudes
* Searches remembered automatically & persistently
* Delete and reorder persistent searches
* Quitting on search redoes search on launch
* Double tap tweet with #tag searches on tag

Stock Tweets:
* Search on any stock symbol, eg $APPL
* Stock searches automatically saved
* Build a portfolio to keep track of recent mentions

* Add any user to Bookmarks
* Instant retrieval of their latest tweets

* Tap/hold a tweet to add to Recents this session
* Instant retrieval of their latest tweets

Trending Topics:
* See what's hot in twitterverse!
* Updates each time you choose it

Log File:
* see how many server accesses left this hour
* read connection and failure log

* Big Stone Phone provides free support for Pro users
* We listen to your feature requests and bug reports

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Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0 Stone Design Releases Twittelator Pro 2.0
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Comments (1)
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Awayze - March 13, 2009 at 4:50pm
WTF!!! I have to upgrade to 2.2.1 to use the new version of Twittelator, why can't they make it backward compatibility.
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