Voicemail Forwarder, an application which forwards voicemails to email, has become the second app to be sold on the Cydia Store.
The application adds new functionality to your existing iPhone Visual Voicemail. Instead of only being able to listen to your voicemails on your phone, you can now share those iportant messages with a single click.
Voicemail Forwarder gives you a new button that fires up an email with the current voicemail attached to it. You can then send the email as normal to any recipient.
The application costs $2.99. You can find instructions on how to purchase a Cydia application here.
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This method has been covered by hackthatphone about a year ago which is totally FREE!
I can't believe they are trying to make money on this.
Good luck with this app.
Actually Cydia's purpose is to provide developers with a place to offer their apps when Apple very restrictive practices don't allow them onto the Appstore. Besides, as long as top quality keep showing up on CydiaStore, I'd rather pay them than Apple. Cydia's done more to help make my iphone a useful work tool than Apple and their Appstore have.
Just wait for XSELLIZE cracked this baby. The purpose of jailbreaking the iPhone is so that you don't have to pay for the APPS. Good luck Cydia for trying though.
Oliver, that's not the purpose of jailbreaking the iPhone! The reason for jailbreaking was so we could install apps that did not make it into the itunes app store. If you want a "free" app develop it yourself or download one of the 100's that are free. cracking an app like this is exactly the type of thing that reduces the quality of the apps we get by reducing the motivation for people to develop them! Your kind of thinking really irritates me!
Sorry about that Steve. I'm just stating the facts and not cause any trouble here. I highly respect all the developers and I hope the best for all of them.
It would be better if it would Auto forward when received to your email, this way if I'm at my computer I would be alerted of the new voicemail and I could just listen to it from there. No that I would pay for.