iSmart Dialer adds layers of functionality to the familiar iPhone dialer. It has been released in 2 versions; one for Cydia and one for the AppStore.
The Cydia version adds new functionality to the standard MobilePhone, while the AppStore version also includes a complete replacement app for MobilePhone with a new design.
Features included: - Searching for contact using the Keypads - the fastest way to find a contact and call him (or send SMS or E-mail as you soon discover). - Speed Dial - Assign Speed Dial-Favorites to keys 1-9 and you even get a nice pop-up (with the contact picture!) to see before use. - SMS / E-mail from inside the dialer - No need to get out of the dialer for sending SMS or E-mail. The keypads are flipped (very nice) and you get a SMS or E-mail template (The SMS screen even have a Characters and Messages counters). - Integrates straight into the iPhone Mobile-Phone application - no need to run as external application (Cydia version only). - Edit Contact - Again, no need to get out of the dialer screen just press on a contact search result for 2 seconds for editing and information screen. - Auto-Complete - When you dialing a number, the dialer auto-complete the number for you from you contacts list (AppStore only). - Multi-Language support - English, Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek , Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. - and much more as you will discover when you enter the loaded Settings screen
iSmart Dialer is available now from the Utilities section of Cydia for 7.99 USD and FREE for a limited time on the AppStore!
I have a question that if my letter start with B then how i can search the contact ? I try the Appstore version but can't do. Meantime I already paid for the Cydia version and yet to rcvd the license key so that can try how it works. Also the version for Appstore is not nice and slow too.