612 Authentic Media has announced the immediate availability of CrumplePop, a set of high-quality, hand-made, pen-and-ink elements that can be easily dropped directly onto the Final Cut Pro timeline.
"The hand-drawn, hand-made look is highly sought-after right now," said Gabriel Cheifetz, creative director at 612 Authentic. "We developed CrumplePop because it was something we wanted to use in our own projects. Our design partner, Entropy Design Lab, created amazing paper, pen, and tape elements by photographing natural textures, and they are incredibly fun and versatile. You can arrange and rearrange CrumplePop elements very easily to create unique looks. If you're in a hurry, you can just drop a piece of CrumplePop masking tape onto the FCP timeline, and you're done. Or you can put together elaborate creations with tape, paper, markers - it's really up to you."
With CrumplePop, you can easily drag and drop high-quality hand-drawn elements into any HD or SD project. Whether you are producing for film, broadcast, or video podcasts, CrumplePop gives gives you access to the highly sought-after hand-drawn visual style. CrumplePop contains six themes and 353 Master Templates, and is designed for busy editors who want the hand-drawn aesthetic but don't have access to an art department.
Pricing and Availability: CrumplePop is available immediately as a digital download at the pre-NAB promotional price of $35.00 (USD).