Ken Brinkman woke up last night to the smell of burning plastic, his unibody MacBook had caught fire.
Tonight I went to bed around 12 as usual but I woke up around 1:30 smelling burning plastic. Turns out my MacBook Pro was on fire. Smoke was pouring out the seam between the unibody and bottom enclosure. I actually burned my hand pretty badly ripping the adapter out. Oh man. This is reallllly scary because what if I didn't wake up? It could of burned my house down.
His story is particularly interesting because just a few weeks ago a lawsuit was launched against Apple alleging that the MagSafe connector and cord is unsafe and could catch fire or cause injury. The suit was filed by Tim Broad, Naotaka Kitagawa and Jesse Reisman because they believe Apple is aware of the problem and has done nothing about it.
Charging failure. The cables not separated enough, and it is not safe longer. From bending the cable, the wires touches eachother and cause short circuit.
Expensive cost and what you become for? Some crap product, like apple....
if any of you notice the fire marks spread from the bottom of the book to the top, not from the connector as it should. this is truly fake and what a waste of a macbook pro
Umm looks like that was made by a lighter, cause I have my unibody, mac air, Imac and the old white macbook plugged in 24hrs a day for the last 2months well one month for the unibody the rest 2months and no heat no fire no nothing. Looks like somebody wants money.
Just because you haven't had these problems doesn't mean he's lying. If this happened to every single unibody MacBook they wouldn't be sold at all, but it could be a small problem that has affected some. I've had my unibody MacBook for three months now and I leave it plugged in all the time, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. I'm wondering if this has happened to other people besides this guy.
I have had this happen to me 5 times. I am now on my 6th Powerbook charger and am sick of forking out almost 100 euro each time it happens. I have been lucky that i havent been asleep any time this has happened, even though it could quite easily have happened.
Apple know that these chargers overheat and that the shoddy plastic insulation is crap.
Im sick of Apple at this stage, adn im an avid user of their products, turns out theres a fault on my logic board that apple knew about, 800 euro to replace!!. I dont know if apple know Irish Law, sale of goods and supply of services act... they know about these faults, so hence the item description of what was purchases wasnt what was gotten. I could demand a new laptop from Apple under Irish Legislation, as the fault was in manufacturing and I never received what i had considered to buy. "Offer" Consideration" and "Acceptance".
you should never leave a laptop pluged in at night . its still very wird that that one caught on fire cuz i have mine plugged in everyday for 8 hours while im at work and it does not even heat up a bit. he had to have some kind of particles inside of the magsafe then it shorted out . there has to be an explanation for this. other than blaming it on the mac.