Rogers has announced that its iPhone Value Pack will gain unlimited MMS and increase in price from $15/month to $20/month, according to an iPhoneinCanada report.
$20 Smartphone Value Pack (was $15) - Caller Display with Name Display - Enhanced Voicemail - WhoCalled Service - Unlimited sent/received Text Messages (was 2500) - Unlimited sent/received Picture and Video Messages (was 1000)
$20 iPhone Visual Voicemail Value Pack (was $15) - Caller Display - Visual Voicemail - WhoCalled Service - Unlimited sent/received Text Messages (was 2500) - Unlimited sent/received Picture and Video Messages (Did not have an MMS feature before)
$35 iPhone Data Value Pack (Price stayed the same) - Caller Display - Visual Voicemail - 500MB of Data - WhoCalled Service - Unlimited sent/received Text Messages - Unlimited sent/received Picture and Video Messages (Did not have an MMS feature before)
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Visual voicemail lets you listen and skip through your voicemails, sort of like you're playing them using the iPod.
Its available if you're carrier supports it - like mine is, with 02 UK :)