Apple's last session of WWDC ended with a 'giant middle finger to iPhone developers', according to developer Marco Arment.
The final session of the conference was about publishing on the App Store. The exact content of the session is under NDA; however, its not what was in the session but what was left out that has developers upset. Normally Apple holds a Q&A session after the presentation. This provides developers invaluable access to Apple employees allowing their questions and concerns to be voiced.
The session itself blew through its lightweight examples quickly, ending 45 minutes early. The majority of the audience was clearly there for the Q&A. As people lined up at the microphones around the room, the presenter abruptly showed a simple slide with only WWDC in plain lettering, thanked us for coming, and bolted off the stage. The Apple engineers, usually staying around the stage for one-on-one questions, were gone. The lights came up instantly, and it was the only session that didnt end in music. The audience was stunned.
It was a giant middle finger to iPhone developers. And thats the closing impression that Apple gave us for WWDC. Clearly, they had absolutely no interest in fielding even a single question from the topic that we have the most questions about.
The iPhone is already suffering. I mean people rushed to buy the new 3G Last year and now if they want to upgrade to the 3G S they have to pay $700. Thats bull shit. I dont even have a AT&T I used a Jail Broke iPhone with TMobile. Plus AT&T not supporting MMS or Tethering. Come on what a joke.
I really like Maxims 5 reasons not to buy a iPhone 3G S"ucks"
I love my 2G iPhone. But would never pay $40 for tethering, $20 for unlimited text, $30 for iPhone package and $40 for a talk plan. When I get internet for $5 and 1000 minutes unlimited Nights and weekends for $40 and $10 for unlimited text. My TMobile iPhone a month is around $62 compared to AT&T and $130 a month. Boy Cot!!!!
I agree with most of your statement, except for the bullshit on paying $700 for the new iPhone. Since when has any carrier offered the full subsidized price on a phone a year into the contract? NEVER! The whole reason the iPhone is $200 and $300 is because AT&T pays the $400 because they will make that money back with you as a customer for 2 years. Just because this is an iPhone doesn't make it any different from every single phone out there. The only reason people were able to buy the original iPhone, and then get the iPhone 3G at the subsidized price, was because the original iPhone wasn't sold at a subsidized price, it was sold at full price.
Instead of complaining about subsidized phone practices that have been around for a VERY long time, go out and sell your iPhone 3G and then buy the 3GS, it'll end up being around the same price as getting it subsidized anyways. As soon as August hits and it's a year for me, I'll end up being able to sell my iPhone 3G and get 32GB iPhone 3GS for $200.
Now I'm upset with AT&T because MMS won't be available, there is absolutely no excuse for that. You've known about this longer than the general public and you still can't implement it in time, what is wrong with you?
As far as T-Mobile goes, do they have 3G? If it is really that cheap I might have to go and check out their service.
Verizon allows you a 1-year discount price on upgrades at least. Not that I'm supporting Verizon since they piss me off to no end with their limitations & lack of awesome devices...but hey, they give a discount after 1 year... (whatever it takes to keep people with THEM i guess!! haha)
Haha. Android's a joke.
It's had plenty of time to take off, and still nothing.
Maybe if it becomes widespread, but not until then.
Even then, it won't be that popular.
I agree that it had plenty of time to take off and didn't, but it's not a complete joke. The problem is that it is only available on T-Mobile, and personally I think the phone design is horrible. Now granted that the iPhone is only available on AT&T and a lot of people aren't happy with their service, it is still the iPhone, and I'd choose the iPhone over the Android any day of the week. The Palm Pre also made the same mistake choosing to only sell to Sprint customers, but I've heard they will be offering the Pre on Verizon as well. You have to wonder what the heck these companies are thinking when they choose to exclusively offer their phone to one carrier. You can't just think short term and the money they will offer up front, you have to look at the network and the amount of people that are on it and also if people would switch from their current provider to the new one.
you guys - there's more to the world than the us you know.
android is breaking out all over the place. there's already two different providers in the uk and it won't belong before there's more. android is being looked at by a number of innovative handset and netpad developers. what does iphone os run? just apple hardware. android can run on anything.
anyway, it isn't just me saying it, analysts are saying it too:
for me:
- it's more open
- it's easier to develop for
- it has more features
- it's backed by google
seriously guys, go read some specs and have a look around.