Apple will provide an iPhone Battery Life Logging profile to customers complaining of issues with battery life, according to a HardMac report. When installed this profile will monitor all usage of the iPhone over a period time.
The log file generated will help support representatives determine what is causing the battery drain. Whether its heavy usage of a specific app or whether its really a failing battery.
Here's what the log file looks like:
Sun Jun 21 22:29:36 2009: [Assertion released]; process=aosnotifyd; pid=31; NoIdleSleepAssertion=255; held_for=00:00:12; Sun Jun 21 22:29:38 2009 Frontmost Application Changed: (96) Sun Jun 21 22:29:53 2009: Battery level = 92 [4081] (low = no, critical = no, charging = no) Call active: no Current drain: -169 mA Fully charged: no Power Assertions: SpringBoard (pid 24): NoIdleSleepAssertion == 255 Held for 00:20:12 Usage: 00:00:00 Standby: 00:00:00 Frontmost Application Identifier: (96) Next Scheduled Power Event: Scheduled Wake or Power On 2009-06-21 22:58:15 +0200 WiFi: On (associated to "Fraaa") Bluetooth: OFF Nike: OFF BTAirplaneMode: OFF Discoverable: OFF Connected: NO
I got a problem in my iPhone, when I was using firmware 1.1.4, itunesstore service was starting in background, crashing, generating a crash report, starting again and crashing again, repeating all the process. When crash report was called, the processor went to 100% utilization. I has gotten my battery drained from night to day. I discovered the problem using Mobile Terminal and the top process monitor, where I saw the processes starting and crashing.
I solved the problem renaming the Itunesstore executable (untill when I upgraded the firmware again).
It prevented me from downloading Appstore applications directly from iPhone
I posted wrongly the translated text from google
Eu tenho um problema no meu iPhone, quando eu estava usando o firmware 1.1.4, itunesstore serviço estava começando no fundo, cair, gerando um crash relatório, começando de novo e cair de novo, repetindo todo o processo. Quando foi chamado crash relatório, o processador passou para 100% aproveitamento. Eu tenha chegado a minha bateria drenada a partir de noite para dia. Eu descobri o problema utilizando terminais móveis e processo acompanhar o início, quando eu vi a iniciar processos e falhe.
Eu resolvi o problema renomeando o executável Itunesstore (até quando eu atualizado o firmware novamente).
Ele impediu-me de fazer download Appstore pedidos diretamente do iPhone
This looks fake. I don't think this is from apple. Anyone can create a profile and install it to their devices. The reason this is fake is apple's profile will be signed. And this profile is unsigned so it's fake. I could create a profile that has apple Inc as the company.
Is this also for iPhone 2g on 3.0 OS? I do feel like the battery is dropping faster with the last upgrade. And, is this app safe for jailbroken en unlocked iPhones?
Problem with putting it on Jailbreak phones is it will rat you out as having a jailbreak when the log starts logging that your battery life is being sucked up by some Jailbreak-only application. Apple's first response to any Jailbroken phone owner's complaint of battery life will likely be along the lines of "the unauthorized software modifications to your iPhone are responsible for reduced battery life, and we cannot support you unless you factory restore in iTunes and don't jailbreak."
Can you provide me the "direct" link to get this app. I can't seem to find it anywhere?
How does one get this, "iPhone Battery Life Logging" app???
Please clarify???