eCOMPOSITE has released a new iPhone App that allows you to keep track of your runs, progress, speed and to see where you've ran. 321Run allows you to follow your run without having to read your screen with the touch of a finger.
"I tested the Nike on an iPod and that just wasn't it. Then I asked myself what I wanted", says Cyril Godefroy, who developed this app. "I want my runs in my pocket, so I can show my friends, and know the progress I'm doing, and I want something that allows me to listen to y music while running, and keeps me motivated when I set myself a one hour goal or a 10Km run. Actually I am the number one user of this app".
321Run also contains several trainings to begin running, lose weight run faster or prepare for a semi. The coach tells you when to run, walk, change rythm. Hours of fun and run. "I'm already running better than i used to, and I think everybody will perfect with this app", concludes Cyril.
Having a coach to track your progress, all on your iPhone, allows you to plan when you want to run, and listening to the coach helps you start easily and get in better shape day after day. "2 months ago, I could barely run 10 minutes. Now I have almost reached 30 minutes without stopping, and I doubled the distance", says Stephanie who discovered the app in tests.
Pricing and Availability: 321Run is available on the AppStore at the price of 9.99 USD (7,99 Euro), and requires iPhone 3G or 3GS. 321Run Lite is the free version without GPS for iPod Touch users and wannabe runners that has been released at the beginning of the week.