February 15, 2025
dPompa Introduces Matalot 1.0

dPompa Introduces Matalot 1.0

Posted July 27, 2009 at 7:14pm by iClarified
dPompa has introduced Matalot 1.0 their new intelligent task manager for iPhone and iPod Touch. Developed specifically to take advantage of the iPhone's unique capabilities, Matalot offers a unique yet fresh perspective on ToDo management. As Matalot is designed for the mobile handset, it can take advantage of the devices built in information. Attach contacts to tasks for easy access to all their info, including phone calls, SMS, Email and everything else. With no more cumbersome navigation inside categories, Matalot aims to be the task manager for the rest of us.

With a focus on ease-of-use, sports a revolutionary user interface. All relevant tasks are exactly one touch away, and intelligently organized in real time based on various task properties, including priority, schedule and real time filtering by the users physical location. Users can effortlessly complete a task with a single swipe gesture. Just launch Matalot, swipe to complete, and continue working as usual. And with Matalot's unique priority wheel, it allows users to easily and intuitively pick from a wide range of priorities. Choose between priority numbers, presets or both.

"The idea for Matalot was born out of a personal need" said Ofri Wolfus, dPompa founder. "I needed a ToDo manager that worked with me and needed as low self discipline as possible. When I got my new iPhone I realized it'd be a shame not to take advantage of its technologies for making the task manager I always wanted. I truly believe in building products that I'd like to use myself."

Matalot is also location aware. Simply choose the place, Matalot does the rest. When launching Matalot, users will get a list of tasks that are relevant to their current location. You're at work? You'll get your work ToDos. At home? Your home ToDos. It's really that simple. With Matalot, users will find all their familiar properties for a task, such as extended details, priority, schedule and categories. The important properties are visible straight from the tasks list.

Feature highlights:
* Revolutionary User Interface
* Unique Priority Selection
* Location Aware
* Extended Details, Priority, Schedules and Categories
* Designed Specifically for Mobile use

Pricing and Availability:
Until August 1, Matalot 1.0 for iPhone is offered at an introductory price of $0.99 (USD) and available exclusively through the App Store. After which the price will return to $4.99. A free lite version is also available which is limited to 5 uncompleted tasks.

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dPompa Introduces Matalot 1.0
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