Apple has posted a support document warning users not to jailbreak due to adverse issues experienced by customers.
----- This article is about adverse issues experienced by customers who have made unauthorized modifications to the iPhone OS (this hacking process is often called "jailbreaking"). Issues that have been encountered include instability, disruption of services, and compromised security.
Products Affected iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (2nd generation) As designed by Apple, the iPhone OS ensures that the iPhone and iPod touch operate reliably. Some customers have not understood the risks of installing software that makes unauthorized modifications to the iPhone OS ("jailbreaking") on their iPhone or iPod touch. Customers who have installed software that makes these modifications have encountered numerous problems in the operation of their hacked iPhone or iPod touch. Examples of issues caused by these unauthorized modifications to the iPhone OS have included the following:
Device and application instability: Frequent and unexpected crashes of the device, crashes and freezes of built-in apps and third-party apps, and loss of data.
Unreliable voice and data: Dropped calls, slow or unreliable data connections, and delayed or inaccurate location data.
Disruption of services: Services such as Visual Voicemail, YouTube, Weather, and Stocks have been disrupted or no longer work on the device. Additionally, third-party apps that use the Apple Push Notification Service have had difficulty receiving notifications or received notifications that were intended for a different hacked device. Other push-based services such as MobileMe and Exchange have experienced problems synchronizing data with their respective servers.
Compromised security: Security compromises have been introduced by these modifications that could allow hackers to steal personal information, damage the device, attack the wireless network, or introduce malware or viruses.
Shortened battery life: The hacked software has caused an accelerated battery drain that shortens the operation of an iPhone or iPod touch on a single battery charge.
Inability to apply future software updates: Some unauthorized modifications have caused damage to the iPhone OS that is not repairable. This can result in the hacked iPhone or iPod touch becoming permanently inoperable when a future Apple-supplied iPhone OS update is installed.
Apple strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks the iPhone OS. It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of the iPhone OS is a violation of the iPhone end-user license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software. -----
Is it possible for a class action since I'm not allowed to officially unlock my device even though my contract ended properly? I paid for the device and its mine now and apple still controls it by locking it just to make more money paid through my cell subscription?
There could be some issues with Jailbreak when I adopt some app from cydia in its early stages but the same is the case with app store apps. They are no better as they also don't go through rigurous testing. Atleast with Jailbreaking, I have lot of control over the apps I install and I can monitor on what they are doing.
I would say if you are capable enough to jailbreak urself then you should do it but don't do it if you have to get someone to do it for you.
While I agree with "Steve Jobs" succinctly-worded comment, I can't help feeling that Apple are toying with us. Consider what would have happened if they had (and still might) place "jailbreak checking" code in iTunes; 1. On connecting to an iPhone, iTunes checks (fairly easily) to see if it is jailbroken 2. If it encounters a jailbroken phone, it either prints up a message that "this phone is jailbroken and will be restored to factory spec before continuing" or "this phone has been jailbroken and has been added to our jailbreak database - all connections to iTunes and other Apple services will be terminated for this phone", effectively rendering the phone a brick from an update point-of-view. Not that I'm saying they SHOULD do this, or even that they WILL, but they COULD. Far better, Mr Jobs, et al. to provide support for apps from the app store and allow people to put what they want on the phone - if you have a problem with it, it has to be restored to factory spec before they'll touch it - much like Radio Shack used to do with the TRS-80 in the 80's if you put a modded one in for service.
I've had all SORTS of problems since my phone was jailbroken. I've had this problem where for the past year I've been able to use my phone as a tether to my laptop while I travel for work. I've also had an issue where I was able to listen to Pandora and run it in the background while I do other things with the phone. Finally, this JUST happened today, jailbreaking somehow caused me to be able to use Google Voice as a replacement for the regular phone applicaiton! My phone is almost useless now, because now that I'm not being shackled by Apple's bullcrap app store policies, there is so much I can do with my phone that I don't know where to start! If only I read this document earlier, I would have been so much happier by only doing what Apple tells me I can do.
Man, I agree totally with what you're saying. Only I think I may have had more problems than you. I have had this problem where I was able to record video before Apple introduced the 3GS. I've even had this serious problem of sending Multimedia Messages when other cheaper, less functional cellphones have been able to do it. Now even when Apple says that the 2G iPhone cannot send MMS messages because of the modem in the phone, jailbreaking has also, unfortunately allowed those same users to do that without having to upgrade to the 3G or 3GS. How unfortunate for customers. I think I can go on and mention how fatal it was to be able to even unlock the iPhone itself to be able to use it with a carrier of our choosing anywhere in the world without especially having to pay exorbitant roaming prices. Not to mention how drastic it was to be able to record voice memos...
Oh, I'm terrified just writing about it!
Seriously, im having alot of those same issues. This is getting ridiculous to the point I might just have to restore to a stock firmware. What i find most annoying is that I can now use my iPhone overseas without paying AT&T. I dont know what to do about this. Ive had many sleepless nights trying to figure out what the hell im going to do now that I have hundreds of dollars that i dont need to send to AT&T anymore. If I cant fix this problem soon, Im thinkin maybe I will just buy a stock, un-jailbroken iPhone when OS 3.1 comes out so I will no longer have to worry about the problems that come along with jailbreak.
While I agree with "Steve Jobs" succinctly-worded comment, I can't help feeling that Apple are toying with us. Consider what would have happened if they had (and still might) place "jailbreak checking" code in iTunes;
1. On connecting to an iPhone, iTunes checks (fairly easily) to see if it is jailbroken
2. If it encounters a jailbroken phone, it either prints up a message that "this phone is jailbroken and will be restored to factory spec before continuing" or "this phone has been jailbroken and has been added to our jailbreak database - all connections to iTunes and other Apple services will be terminated for this phone", effectively rendering the phone a brick from an update point-of-view.
Not that I'm saying they SHOULD do this, or even that they WILL, but they COULD.
Far better, Mr Jobs, et al. to provide support for apps from the app store and allow people to put what they want on the phone - if you have a problem with it, it has to be restored to factory spec before they'll touch it - much like Radio Shack used to do with the TRS-80 in the 80's if you put a modded one in for service.
I would also like to add adverse and dangerous effects of jailbreaking such as:
Customizing of the phones themes to change wallpapers, system strings, tweaks, and system strings.
Using SBS settings to easily and more speedily access system functions like process kills, and quick notes etc.....
Use it to tether:
Have a blacklist feature to block and/or hide bad numbers or messages
Quick reply and send messages from lockscreen.
All over get more function and ability to use the phone up to more of it's potential, and control something that is my property how and when i want to.
Damn maybe that APPLE is right and i should stop.
A majority of my coworkers have iPhone3G and are on ATT network. They are getting dropped calls left and right and are bitching about ditching ATT the first change they get. No difference in the 'stability' of the iPhone software.
Most of my friends and myself have jailbroken iPhone3G running on TMobile. We don't have 3G speed but calls have been very reliable and apps have been stable. Don't know from a security perspective if a jailbroken iphone is more susceptible to hacks. But, looks like EVERY iPhone is vulnerable right now to SMS attacks
Self-authorized modification of iPhone OS has been a major source of enjoy ability, enhancing of services, and other benefits
Last Modified: July 31, 2009
Article: APP135UCK5
This article is about favorable issues experienced by customers who have made self-authorized modifications to the iPhone OS (this hacking process is often called "jailbreaking"). Benefits that have given include enjoy ability, enhancing of services, and increased security.
Products Affected
iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (2nd generation)
As designed by Apple, the iPhone OS ensures that the iPhone and iPod touch operate only how they wish it to. Some customers have not understood the benefits lost of not installing software that makes self-authorized modifications to the iPhone OS ("jailbreaking") on their iPhone or iPod touch. Customers who have installed software that makes these modifications have enjoyed numerous improvements in the operation of their hacked iPhone or iPod touch. Examples of benefits given by these self-authorized modifications to the iPhone OS have included the following:
Device and application control: Frequent and unexpected crashes of the device, can now be better controlled with the installation of software only available in third-party apps that apple does not approve of. In addition, through the installation of third party apps such as SSH and AppBackup, data that would have otherwise been lost in a crash can now be saved and recovered.
Reliable voice and data: Dropped calls, slow or unreliable data connections, and delayed or inaccurate location data have not been any worse on a jailbroken device than a non-jailbroken device. The hardware is the same and so are the OS functions that control it..
Disruption of services: Services such as Visual Voicemail, YouTube, Weather, and Stocks have been disrupted or no longer work on the device that has been improperly jailbroken. Make sure it is jailbroken with the proper software. Additionally, third-party apps that use the Apple Push Notification Service have had great improvements and work great when receiving notifications or received notifications that were intended for a the device. Again, there were previous issues with people who used a pirated app that did not function as expected. You should NOT use pirated apps even though a jailbroken device does have the capability to do this. As a user myself I have never had ANY issues with Exchange or other Syncing services..
Compromised security: Jailbroken devices allow for the FREE applications to be installed that will allow better security measures to be added to the device, which Apple does not supply. The ability to password protect your applications and data per application is needed to keep unauthorized people from viewing your emails, pictures and other personal data. With a jailbroken device, you can add more security to your device.
Shortened battery life: The hacked software has caused people to want to use their iPhones more than they did before causing people to use up all their battery life. You will LOVE having a jailbroken device! If you wish to increase battery life, you can do the same things you can do with an un-jailbroken device.
Ability to apply future software updates: Some self-authorized modifications have caused Apple to release updates that can result in the hacked iPhone or iPod touch becoming permanently inoperable when a future Apple-supplied iPhone OS update is installed.
Fortunately the developers who create the software for jailbreaking, work around the clock, FOR FREE, (because they are TRULY dedicated to the cause) , and have new jailbreaks to updated releases. Apple pushes out releases with total disregard that it will hurt YOUR device that you have chosen to use the way you wish. Luckily the Jailbreak community and developers are watching out for you.
Apple strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks the iPhone OS, which will open up the device to give you more functionality than Apple wants you to have. Did you know that jailbroken devices had video recording WAY before the new Apple 3GS came out? Just think, if apple allowed this application to go through their store, they would not have been able to charge you for it! It is also important to note that self-authorized modification of the iPhone OS is a violation of the iPhone end-user license agreement which Apple is trying to use to control how you use the device that YOU paid for!!!!!
Note: I have been an iPhone owner and jailbreaker for a long time and I can say that I have not had ANY of the issues that apple claims. Most of what they are blabbering about are issues found in the development process of creating jailbroken devices and compatible applications. In the QA phase we could say. As of now everything is great and I would not have it any other way.
Also, if you do not like the jailbreak, you can always go back to the original firmware! Give it a try and decide for yourself!
Hmmmmm. Just got a push notification from AP mobile. And I just read some emails to my .me account. And I just bought an album off of iTunes while sitting in traffic. Guess my phone is broken.
I dont really think Apple is lying ( not tell the truth ). It's why i havent done yet. But most of all because i can't afford buying a new one if it jailbreak becomes Failbreak ;) For sure, thoose modifications introduce holes in security possibility. For most users doing it , it's invisible. They are paranoid for their computer, internet connexion, but strangely Not for their iPhone. Please, could you give me some reason it is something to do ? just more free apps ?
in counterparts i admit i'll do JB when i'll buy the 3GS ( 4 monthes) ;)
Bogus. They should be showing solid evidence before they post a scare like this. I agree with it being a disclaimer for them.
My phone crashed/froze all too often before the J/B now after the J/B I have yet to have a crash or freeze up.
Apps sometimes have issues regardless of the phone being J/B - it is just a matter of time for the creator to send out a fix.
Battery life reduced? I suppose so because now we can use it more freely and well yeah, it gets used more.
Dropped calls? Poor phone service? This is nothing new with ATT - they are the worst service provider I have ever had (I have been with many carriers over the years). So often I am in areas where I have absolutely no signal from ATT but my friends have a good signal on their Verizon phone. Hmmmm.. This has nothing at all to do with freeing up MY phone so that I can use it FREELY since I OWN IT.
Thanks for the great product Steve Jobs but back off on the communist control.
Few things, as JB users, we all should know and understand that modifying anything outside it's design parameters poses risk. You hack it, you could break it. This applies to windows, Linux, OSX, iPhones etc. As a JB user, I have had 1 issue since starting JB on the 3G. And it was stupid user error, an error I did and I accepted, I restored and rehacked, no problems since.
Dropped calls, my wifes iPhone is not hacked, drops calls as much as I do.
Battery drain, can't say but seems normal.
Push, MobileMe, stocks, etc , all work fine. App store fine. IPod fine.
This is simply a disclaimer by apple saying we told you so, do when someone who shouldn't be hacking is and they brick their phone and bring it god service.
This is simply a disclaimer by apple saying we told you so, so when someone who shouldn't be hacking is and they brick their phone and bring it in for service, apple can tell them to shove off.
I had used iPhone 2G FW 1.1.4, jailbroke and unlocked with iLiberty, upgraded to FW.2.2. I also had iPhone 3G, FW 2.2/2.2.1;factory unlock, jailbroken (no need to unlock) and I do NOT had battery problems at all. I full restore both the old iphones to FW 3.0 and get battery life shorten/drain problem. Now, I have iphone 3G S and keep it unjailbreak for more than 2 weeks now, but the battery life are more or less just the same shorten/drain. So, I conclude that the problem is the OS 3.0 not the jailbreak
Apple talks shite don't they sometimes they should of designed the iPhone with a jailbroke system all them features espesailly why can't we use the music we buy as a ringtone I had 3 iPhones and never had any prblems with my phone funny that in it
We know that's all business and Apple wants to control it 100%. My iPhone 2G is Jailbroken since the first day and don't have any of those symptoms described. I live happy with it unlock and Jailbroben, the world should be free, not a kind of Jail controlled by the pimps that title themselves as democratics. Only as example i have 5 sim cards each from different countries (China, Hong-Kong, Brasil, Germany and Portugal) should i have 5 iPhones???!!! Long live the Unlock and Jailbrake.