SoftBank BB is offering historic handcrafted Japanese iPhone cases for $1000 each, according to a CrunchGear report.
The hand made cases will be offered in five different designs with each design representing an important bit of Japanese history.
The cases are made under the supervision of a historian and covered with special lacquer and gold dust. Its takes three to four weeks to create each case.
Included in your purchase is a specially designed pouch, a booklet explaining the historical background of the design, and a storage box.
is it nice ? , yes
is it great ? yes
is it beautiful ? yes
is it Handcraft ? yes
is it japanese ? yes
How much is it ? 1000 $
WHAT ? 1000 $
i know , its nice but come on guys it's 1000 $
even if you were rich you will buy because it's expensive not because it worth it , because it's not ....
only if it was mixed with some GOLD then i have nothing to say about it
So overboard. Why would one pay for something that is worth 5x more then the phone itself. Whoever buys a case for something worth 5x more theN the item it self is a idiot.