Carnation Software has released Say it & Mail it for iPhone and iPod Touch. Say it & Mail it is the quickest way to email a voice memo from your iPhone or iPod Touch to yourself or to others. Send yourself reminders when you are away from your computer. No typing required. Your email address and subject are autofilled.
Include a picture in your email. Take a photo or select from album. Pictures are full resolution compressed jpg format and small file size. Include a Google Map link to your location in your email. Great way to send anyone a detailed email without using the keyboard. Emailed voice memos are compatible with Mac, PC and any other computer O/S (uses compressed wave format).
No file maintenance on your iPhone or iPod Touch, since audio files are not stored there. No advertising in your emails. Just a 'Say it Mail it' signature, which you can optionally remove in the 'Info' setup. Quick 'n easy. Don't strain your fingers and your eyeballs typing out long email messages. Just "Say it & Mail it."
Who would want to use a recorder application that takes too many steps to record and email a message? "Say it & Mail it" has been designed with simplicity and speed in mind. It remembers your name and an email address, which makes it very fast and easy to send yourself an email memo.
* Tap "Say it" to start recording * Tap "Stop it" to stop recording * Tap "Mail it" to show the email window * Tap "Send" * That's it
Tap the 'Info' (i) button for initial setup to enter your name and email address. It will be used to autofill the 'To:' and 'Subject:' fields in the email. You only need to do this once.
Pricing and Availability: Say it & Mail it 1.1 for iPhone is only $1.99 (USD) and available exclusively through the App Store.