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Search All Search Engines in One Place

Search All Search Engines in One Place

Posted August 28, 2009 at 9:04am by iClarified
idealius.com has introduced LookItUp! 1.0 (Búscalo! 1.0 for its Spanish version), their new search engine utility for iPhone and iPod Touch. Developed specifically to leverage the iPhone's unique abilities and interface, LookItUp! offers a radically improved approach for searching anything. LookItUp! aims to be the most comprehensive search engine of search engines.

From a single search, gain free, instant access to millions of pages from hundreds of search engines. Users can find exactly what they want by tapping into thousands of company websites, job boards, newspapers, images, audio, video, articles, blogs and associations. It's the perfect tool to drill down by keyword, site location as well as by filtered search.

"I was tired of having to jump around from one search engine to another, particularly from my iPhone" said Carlos G. Varela, CEO and founder of idealius.com "With LookItUp! in the palm of your hand, now anyone can search all these thousands of sites at the same time, on one simple search, returning last minutes info."

LookItUp! features hundred of relevant search engines, including A9, ABC, Accoona, AltaVista, Amazon, Ask, AskJolene, Atomfilms, FAST, Alltheweb Image, BBC News, CareerBuilder, CNN News, dmoz Open Directory, ezinearticles, Findarticles, FoxNews, goarticles, Google, Google Blog Search, Google Images, Google Video, MSN, MSN Images, PicSearch, Reuters, Technorati, Truveo, Yahoo!, Yahoo! Audio, Yahoo! Jobs, and Yahoo! News.

Feature Highlights:
* Hundred of Relevant search engines
* Effortlessly Filter results
* Access thousands of sites from hundred of search engines in a single search
* Access millions of filtered and rating pages

Supported Languages:
* US English and Spanish

Pricing and Availability:
LookItUp! 1.0 for iPhone is only $0.99 USD (0.79 Euro) and available exclusively through Apple's App Store. There are US iTunes Store's Promotional Codes for Press Reviewers that can be obtained upon request.

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Search All Search Engines in One Place Search All Search Engines in One Place
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