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How Much Radiation Does Your iPhone Give Off?

How Much Radiation Does Your iPhone Give Off?

Posted September 9, 2009 at 6:10am by iClarified
A new study has published the radiation profiles of over 1200 popular cell phones including the iPhone, reports Wired.com.

The Environmental Working Group analyzed the radiation emissions from 1,268 cellphones and concludes that American cellphone radiation standards don’t make enough of an allowance for safety and ignore the impact of electromagnetic radiation on children.

“We think that based on current standards there’s increased risk of developing brain tumors in long term users — people who have used cellphones for more than 10 years — from radiation in cellphones,” says Olga Naidenko, a senior scientist at EWG

Apple’s iPhone 3G has a maximum SAR of 1.39 W/kg when held at the ear. You can compare that to the 1.19 W/kg SAR for the iPhone 3GS. The lower the SAR the safer the phone is. The best phone was the Samsung Impression which had a max radiation of just 0.35 W/kg.

“The FCC limit for the head (SAR of 1.6 W/kg) is just two-and-a-half times lower than the level that caused behavioral changes in animals (SAR of 4 W/kg),” says the representative. “Thus, the brain receives a high exposure, even though the brain may well be one of the most sensitive parts of human body … and should have more protection.”

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How Much Radiation Does Your iPhone Give Off?

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Logan - July 16, 2012 at 2:11am
I guess no one knows
Logan - July 13, 2012 at 10:10am
If i leave my iphone 3g on while on mu stomach for an hour will that cause health problems?
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