Posted September 16, 2009 at 11:34pm by iClarified
Case-Mate has introduced an iPhone case to help those trying to make it through the recession.
The recession case lets you keep cash in your pocket without sacrificing on unique design for your beloved iPhone! But just in case one isn't enough we have the BAILOUT BUNDLE - 10 cases for $7.99!
We are now offering FREE Sharpie Script personalization on the recession case! Just leave Albertus Medium selected and you will get your very own personalized recession case! If ordering a bundle we will personalize the first case.
The case is being sold for $.99 each and includes free shipping. I wonder how many they will sell... lol
I would like to meet the idiot who came up with this...
I would like to ask him what exactly he was smoking when he conceived the idea....
If you have 700$ to get an iphone, or even more to pay for an at&t data plan, then you surely have some money left to get a case!!!
I actually knda want one. Sharpie is awesome, although, you might need to go back to the drawing board and adjust the camera view. But other than that, I may buy one!