Apple is now shipping the iPhone 3GS with a new Bootrom that is not vulnerable to the 24kpwn exploit.
The iBoot-359.3.2 started to ship last week. A screenshot posted by Mathieulh shows the new version number.
MuscleNerd from the iPhone Dev-Team has confirmed that the loss of the 24kpwn exploit would mean a normal jailbreak would be impossible for the time being.
oh oh, from what @cpich3g + @Mathieulh have found so far, a normal untethered JB may be in jeopardy in brand new 3GS units
For the time being we would suggest locating old stock or refurbished units. Hopefully, the dev teams will be able to find another exploit for the new bootrom.
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personally i use an android 2.3 gaxlay ace,my sister has nokia 700 symbian belle,ya what you told is right but symbian is still behind in some area like browser still sucks,also apps are lesser and good apps will take some time to come over to symbian.but i like the oval icons,and the induvidual wallpaper for homescreen.multitasking also better than droid.
Anyone know if they are going to be able to solve this one and if so when? I have tmobile and just bought the 3gs and ofcourse it has the new block. Thanks for any help.
Today I got a refurb iPhone 3GS from the Apple Store that shipped from CA. It came with FW 3.1 > restored to 3.1.2 and used blackra1n to jailbreak with success.
(Im assuming) All recently refurbished iPhone 3GS's SHOULD NOT have the new 359.3.2 iBoot. I can confirm my refurb did not as I'm now jailbroken again.
Hope this is useful information.
where do you find refurbed iphones? can you buy them without buying an att plan? i'm writing from china, so i'm a bit confused about how the market works in the US. thanks
hey, lucasbrizzo... Do you have the link or the location where you purchased your refurbished "iPhone 3Gs". I can't find it anyone, all i can find are refurbished iPhones 3G. thanks for the help.
Umm, you have nothing to worry about UNTIL your current iPhone is lost, stolen, dropped and broken, or just somehow dies on its own (as some do). Whether you're replaced on warranty or your own money, in a short while the replacement phone will be unjailbreakable, and for many of those, that means fantastic functionality* we've come to enjoy will be lost forever (possibly).
re: fantastic functionality - there are some jailbreak apps that make the iPhone so much sweeter - SBSettings alone is reason enough for me to jailbreak. Throw in iBlacklist, GV Mobile and PDANet and I'll never not jailbreak again.
Everything that everyone jailbreaks their iPhone for Android phones can/could just about do if it had the amount of devs that Apple has for the iPhone. Anybody that knows code can dev for the Android OS, you can do what you please on the Android OS. No one had to wait for features to be added on the Android OS but us iPhone users had to wait years for simple features to be added and when we pay full price for our phones we still don't have the option to do as we please with them. Apple talks all this shit about MS and Windows and they pull the same stunts with the iPhone OS. So like my previous post said, I'm not worried but to say Apple doesn't owe it's iPhone customers anything is kinda false. T
it's not about getting stuff free. its about Apple being greedy and selfish.Some people are poor and cant afford the high rates that apple charges att,You dont think att is not going to get their money back on what they are paying apple. you must live in a box
When you think about it, the iPhone (parts and all) only cost about $200 bucks for Apple to make. Apple doesn't even need to advertise it to get sales, so Apple really is making about a 500% profit on it's customers.
I agree with you. Apple is doing what all other software developer's doing to protect their products. While Microsoft is their close competitor, Hackers are their worse enemies. If they did benefit already from the work of hackers, it is too much of an abuse to still say bad things against Apple. This is my opinion.
gustavo Leon Madrigal - October 13, 2009 at 10:02pm
well I am concern, because I am still have an ipod (actually an Iphone) but still lock...sooo I am still waiting, and all the teams (dev, chronic, Geo, and IH8) aren't working with the lock just on the JB, so, no one is working on the Unlock.
No sé si hablas español, pero cual iPhone tienes y cuando lo compraste. Si es un 3G tal vez puedas lo "unlock." Baja una programa de Cydia que se llama "Fuzzyband" y si el 3G es uno de los primeros, esta program funcionará para "downgrade" el "baseband." Despues, puedes bajar "ultrasn0w" para el "unlock." Suerte!
gustavo Leon Madrigal - October 14, 2009 at 5:52pm
mil gracias, pero desgraciadamente tengo el 3.1, con el 5.11 así fue comprado de fabrica, por lo que no puedo hacer el downgrade, tengo un Ipod de 32 GB, jajajajaja, y a la espera de que s pueda convertir en un iphone... algun dia.
A tethered jailbreak on an iPhone is absolutely useless. If your phone dies for any reason it won't restart. For all intensive purposes this equates to no jailbreak for most people. Besides the article says a "normal jailbreak" is not possible.
Yes, for all intensive purposes that does equate to no Jailbreak for "most people",
however its not hard to use a Palm or even create a device that can boot the iPhone back up. Regardless of what the article says, the Topic is still a little misleading. "Apple Blocks Jailbreak in New iPhone 3GS Units!" Furthermore, the 24kpwn lives.
It just forgot to file a change of address with the dev-team lol
ehh... I'm not worried. There's always a work around and if they do or did succeed in stopping all jailbreaks, I have no prob with sticking with my 3G or getting an Android phone but I deffinitly would never consider another touchscreen Blackberry.
If apple finds a way to stop jailbreaking and unlocking forever, i wont like the iphone as much. Im with T-Moble, and i wont ever be switching to AT&T. My next phone would be the BlackBerry.