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Apple Fires Engineer After Daughter's Video of iPhone X Goes Viral

Apple Fires Engineer After Daughter's Video of iPhone X Goes Viral

Posted October 29, 2017 at 9:09pm by iClarified
Apple has fired an engineer that worked on the iPhone X after a video of the device taken by his daughter went viral.

Brooke Amelia Peterson published a vlog about a week ago which covered a day of shopping and pizza with her parents at the Apple cafeteria. The video had about a minute of footage showing the iPhone X. Her father paid for the meal using Apple Pay and let Peterson handle the smartphone briefly.

After making it to YouTube's Trending list, the video was pulled without explanation. Now, in a tearful video posted to her channel, Peterson reveals that Apple fired her father.

"Apple asked me to take it down and I took it down right when they asked me to because I respect Apple. I had no idea that this was a violation. He takes full responsibility for letting me his iPhone X. Apple let him go. At the end of the day when you work for Apple it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, if you break a rule, they have no tolerance."

The video came well after Apple had unveiled the device, offered hands-on access to the press, and allowed numerous YouTubers to post video reviews with the iPhone X. The firing of Peterson's father seems like an incredibly harsh move. A suspension may have been more appropriate.

Do you think Apple should have fired the engineer? How does this reflect on your opinion of Apple? Let us know what you think in the comments.

You can watch both videos below...

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Himanshu Patel
Himanshu Patel - October 31, 2017 at 8:38pm
actually, Apple Inc. is right. employees have to follow policy or else whats's the use of policies. you cannot take these things casually.
Pitty - October 31, 2017 at 1:11pm
Hmm ur dad must be not treating u well. I’m sorry
Ivan Himboski
Ivan Himboski - October 31, 2017 at 12:49pm
If you’re considering working for Apple Inc., make sure you do your homework first. You’ll find lots of examples of how Apple devalues its employees. The problem is, for every engineer they fire for whatever reason, there are ten more with stars in their eyes about the prospect of working there. If you’re creative and need the support of your company when you take risks, consider working somewhere else. Having worked there and at other high-tech firms, I decided to leave. I’m not bitter, it was my choice, but you should know that the culture there is very political and employee-unfriendly. If they make you an offer and you accept it, just remember to keep your mouth shut and ‘stay in your lane.’
Ericsworld - October 31, 2017 at 6:26am
This is all coordinated to promote the phone. Let's not forget about the insident with the Iphone 4 left at a bar in San Jose!
TiestoMuzik - October 30, 2017 at 11:02pm
Sabtain Aziz
Sabtain Aziz - October 30, 2017 at 9:53pm
A company needs to be strict, yes the phone has had its unveiling and their are hands on videos but those are when Apple has allowed. By firing the engineer they setting a example to the rest of the employees.
Makisig72 - October 30, 2017 at 4:55pm
That's a good video actually to promote the iPhone X...
Get Real haters
Get Real haters - October 30, 2017 at 4:11pm
I agree with her - a lot of hateful keyboard bullies. Geesh. Let's not over think this. Simplest answer is usually correct. He knew he was under NDA, but he figured it was to keep SECRETS. So, once Apple released keynote video all about the iPhone X & many, many, official YouTube & news outlets had all kinds of official info & videos about the iPhone X - he figured, oh ok now it's public no big whoop. Metaphor: You are planning a surprises birthday party & giving the person paid tickets to Hawaii. All are sworn to secrecy. The surprise party happens, & the tickets are given. Now, the tickets are for December. But, now the daughter of one of the givers posts a clip about a Hawaii vacation her dad went on - ohh look at the scenery it's beautiful. BOOM - you violated not talking about Hawaii - GTFO here!
Dan - October 30, 2017 at 3:49pm
Have to agree 100% with you... people r just so fuck1ng sensitive an politically correct these days...
PaulieP - October 30, 2017 at 10:42pm
It's the same for everyone! That's just a racist comment if I ever heard one. Trying to start shit are we? Haha
Luis Mora
Luis Mora - October 30, 2017 at 3:04pm
Every action has a consequence the father signed documents of confidentiality the daughter knew better now most people don’t want responsibility for anything I think that’s wrong
Me, myself and I
Me, myself and I - October 30, 2017 at 1:32pm
When you sign a confidentiality agreement, you know that until it’s official release date, you cannot share any kind of info nor post into social media anything about the device. It was innocent and it was an awesome dad moment but when you signed that document, they have the right to enforce the rule. You don’t become one of the biggest companies in the world by not being strict on their privacy policies. Not to mention that this is just one employee. Can you imagine how many times they have to deal with leaks?? Apple is a great company to work for. Best believe if Samsung actually had something worth leaking and it did, that person would be fired immediately. No questions asked.
Juggernaut - October 30, 2017 at 12:10pm
He signed an NDA, he gave his daughter a phone under the NDA knowing it would create advertising income, views and followers for her channel.
Hubbcapp - October 30, 2017 at 9:39am
I think it is a bit extreme on Apples part considering what it was and that it was well after the keynote and hands on releases to the press. At the same time I understand the need for those rules and heightened security. I am very proud of her for her next video she is a great example of an upright, positive, accountable, and genuine person. She made no excuses nor did she blame anyone but herself. This world needs more people like her and For Apple not to see the Gem of a person they had not only in his ability as an engineer but also as a person to have raised a young lady with such integrity was no small achievement. Apple through away a truly amazing individual over what appears to me to be a minor innocent mistake. Yes rules are important but we are human and each situation is unique and should be dealt with according to its own merits. I have no doubt this family will continue doing great things you can’t raise a responsible upstanding young lady like that by accident.
Mike - October 30, 2017 at 4:53am
I completely understand what you’re saying and feeling. I’m I the same shoes.
Chahineatallah - October 30, 2017 at 1:40am
The phone was unveiled, so it's not a secret anymore, so why he was terminated??
Mike - October 30, 2017 at 4:57am
First you can not film on campus. Second he had sensitive data, like testing apps, code names and documents. He broke every rule in the book. For an engineer he should have known better. Also on second hand I feel like this is a hoax.
Pj5 - October 30, 2017 at 1:37am
What’s the big deal that his daughter is showing how she likes Apples new product?! Apple deserves bad press for firing him, if at all he should have just been reprimanded.
Charles Mix
Charles Mix - October 30, 2017 at 12:20am
Are we sure this wasn't staged? Freeze the video at 3:18 and check out what looks like pretty impressive video camera on the iPhone screen. Would not this have drawn the attention of someone, putting her iPhone X reveal to a halt? Hmmm.
stevenlacross - October 30, 2017 at 2:46am
Um, that's how she records her videos, her dad works(not anymore) for the richest company and pays well, so of course she's going to have a high end video recorder for her YouTube videos. Hello, think mcfly. But Apple is stupid for firing him, it's not like he was caught selling the phone or stealing the phones from Apple, come on, the phones out there, no reason to fire this guy. I won't be buying anymore Apple products. Had the 3GS, 4s, 5s and 6s plus, but this is where I get off the Apple boot. Google pixel 2 xl, here I come.
RodMckenzie69 - October 29, 2017 at 11:05pm
Here is the reality. If they just punished him somehow, this would has never come to light. Now they are getting a bunch of negative advertising. That is why you will never see me with anything apple. Big Daddy Apple is watching you!
lookky - October 29, 2017 at 11:33pm
You don't have enough money to buy an apple product anyway...
NightFlight - October 29, 2017 at 10:47pm
The NDA is abundantly clear. The culture is very clear. Being an engineer - you'd THINK he would know better. Apple marketing works by building interest over the unknown. Its pretty simple. You must discipline cases like these if you want to continue that marketing method. *shrug*
PerpetuallyBlue - October 29, 2017 at 10:44pm
Well, I’m sure he signed a confidentiality report or something but this was after the iPhone X was announced and released so it’s not like they revealed any secrets. Maybe a suspension without pay would’ve been more suitable. Then again, the dad should’ve been much more careful with the phone and the daughter respectful of her father’s job.
lookky - October 29, 2017 at 11:43pm
I bet it was not for showing the iPhone in the video, but for lend it the iPhone to her daughter. its like an a taxi driver lend the taxi cab to one of his family and the owner of the taxi cab know about it later, That iPhone is property of apple and only an employed of apple can use it.
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