Zibri has released ZiPhone 1.2 which incudes the unlock for the 3.9 BL iPhones. The application is autosensing so you don't have to even know which bootloader you have!
last night the 1.10 ziphone fxxk up my 1.10 iphone and i can only recovery the phone with itune to upgrade to 1.13 and then ziphone cant active cant jailbreak, i thought i was over just like many of the ziphone users out here. but after i tried the ziphon on my other computer this morning the iphone comes back to life. (LAST NIGHT with Vista, this morning with XP). damn XP still > Vista.. try a different computer if u are having the hard time with iphone, just my 2 cents.
Can someone please post the tutorial of the ziphone 1.2 ??? and by the way is it true that puts your phone into recovery mode? what are the steps for this to happen... upgrade or restore to 1.1.3?? and then what??
Thanks!!! nice job this site!!
Does this work on mac os 10.5.2? because all the other versions have trouble... can someone confirm if this is working under mac os 10.5.2 please, thank you