February 7, 2025

How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Posted February 23, 2008 at 11:00pm by iClarified
These are instructions on how to increase the volume on your 1.1.3 iPhone using an Installer source. Remember your iPhone speaker isn't very powerful so it will only be a slight improvement but its better then before :)

Step One
Make sure you have iClarified added as an installer source. You can find directions on how to do that here.

Step Two
Press to launch Installer from your Springboard.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Three
Press to select the Install tab at the bottom of the screen.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Four
Press to select iClarified from the list of Categories.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Five
Press to select Volume Boost (1.1.3) from the list of Packages.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Six
Press the Install button at the top right hand corner of the screen.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Seven
Press the large red Install button that appears.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Eight
You will get a Notice telling you that this process will patch your iPhone to increase its maximum volume! Press the large OK button.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Nine
When the installation is done you will get a Notice telling you that your volume has been patched and to restart your iPhone. Press the large OK button.
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

Step Ten
You will be returned to the Categories list. Hold down the Sleep/Wake button for 3 seconds to bring up the Power slider. Slide it to the right to turn off your iPhone. Then push the Sleep/Wake button again to turn back on the phone!
How to Increase the Volume of Your 1.1.3 iPhone

You will now notice an increase in the volume of your phone :)
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Comments (14)
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laks - March 12, 2008 at 4:26am
no difference after installing.. any one has any upadtes>
analeah - March 3, 2008 at 2:49pm
Eh I didn't really notice any difference either. The sounds is plenty loud when I have the headphones in and otherwise I can barely hear people talking at times. *Sigh*
steph - February 29, 2008 at 11:25pm
i have NO sound at all:(
Rod - February 27, 2008 at 10:44pm
I did not notice the differnece using the iPod app. I poked through the speaker screen and don't think the speaker can be any louder without distortion.
Michael - February 26, 2008 at 1:53pm
@britbloke, iv allready restored my iphone within 2 hours of no sound ;p i couldnt take it... thank god that ziphone is around now and we can restore the iphone from itunes and then jailbreak / activate using the ziphone... or else... lol.. i would have been downgrading and updating all the way back to 1.1.1... anw.. thanks for the reply dude ;p
Britbloke - February 26, 2008 at 9:16am
@ Michael, if you have NO sounds at all on your phone, but a full RESET using the Settings option on the phone. @se7en, there's no chance of blowing the speaker. It did make mine louder, but no distortion was heard.
StreSaO - February 25, 2008 at 7:24am
It Fails me too. Any suggestion¿? Regards
Joel - February 24, 2008 at 9:49pm
I have the same problem michael. Has anyone got a fix for this. I will restore my phone tonight.
Ilias - February 24, 2008 at 1:24pm
It won't blow the speaker out as the difference is not much and you won't notice any difference at all with new 16gb and 8gb phones concerning the ringtones, music etc. It makes the touch tones louder for sure but that's not so important after all. For new iPhones just accept that our speaker is crappier than most phones. For older iPhones you can always remove the antenna cover and remove the small cover in front of the speaker and have the same volume as newer phones.
Jonathan Chan
Jonathan Chan - February 24, 2008 at 11:36am
Cool app but it's loud as ish. I did the screen unlock w/ my earphones on and it scared the mess out of me. :-) Uninstalling was a breeze though.
zen - February 24, 2008 at 11:01am
no difference after installation
Michael - February 24, 2008 at 7:15am
Never mind, i restored my iphone and then jailbreaked/activated my iphone using ziphone..
Michael - February 24, 2008 at 4:52am
Ok.. Iv installed this and suddenly my iphones voice was gone for good... restarted it a couple of times, tried uninstalling it... NOTHING... my iphones voice is GONE.. GONE... please.. someone help..
se7en - February 24, 2008 at 2:59am
I am assuming that this can easily be reversed by uninstalling? What about blowing the speaker out?
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