Cydia is a front-end for Debian APT a mature packaging solution for Unix systems, designed to replace and overcome many of its limitations. It was created by Jay Freeman, ie saurik.
In order to provide some relief for these issues, I have decided to start a project called Telesphoreo with the goal of creating a distribution of GNU and BSD's userspace for the iPhone as a collaborative, open-source project. The name is an ancient Greek word meaning "to bring fruit to perfection or maturity", which I feel is what needs to be done to Apple's product: it's passable as a phone, but as a portable workstation it is almost unmatched... with the right software.
For distribution, I have chosen Debian's APT, which I have ported to this new platform along with a few custom tweaks to integrate better with Apple's network settings. I have also spent the time to write a UIKit front-end to APT called Cydia, in order to make the transition easier for a larger number of users. (Cydia pomonella is the scientific name for the codling moth, which is what we often think of the as the stereotypical apple worm. I felt the name was fitting.)
You can try the Installer by adding as a source to Installer and install the package "Cydia Packager" from the "System" category.
I have iphone 2G with 1.1.4 firmware. I installed cydia. Had problems. Then I restored back the phone back to 1.1.4 using in DFU mode and itunes 7.6, it first appeared that everything was back to normal. Later I discovered that the HOME button on iphone will not turn the phone ON after about a minute or so. I can still use SLEEP button to turn the phone ON/OFF. I am upset at myself for using CYDIA once. It appears that cydia has caused some problem. I am not a tachie and I am sorry to write this information. CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME HOW I CAN RESTORE MY PHONE BACK TO NORMAL?
How to Removal Cydia: I have iphone 2G with 1.1.4 firmware. I installed Cydia and all sorts of problems (the screen will light up occassionally, Home button will not work and some others) started. After hours of work I could not figure out how to ger rid off Cydia. At last, I restored my phone using itunes and then unlocked and jailbroke my phone using Ziphone 3.0. Please beware not to upgrade your phone to firmware 2.0 if you want to use Ziphone to unlock and jailbreak it Now everything is back to normal. If somebody have a better idea how to remove Cydia after installing it on your phone then please post. Thanks.
pleaaasee some one explain how to remove this horrible app from the iphone (CYDIA ) i don's see any answer here please, if any one now's how to do it send me an e mail....... thanks (
iclarified how do I remove this from iPhone removed all units I could but the rest says use apt- get were do I get that from isketches on old installer won't upgrade because of this new installer being on wish I had not put it on now
how is this conflicting with installer, i have it on a 1.1.4 with installer and both are working perfectly..
on another note, that screen shot is mine :P glad to see it and bmobile (trinidad) on the intraweb (lol) :D
Please !! I have problem with this app in my 1.1.3 iPhone which I was jailbreak with ziphone 2.4. after installation was down and I restart my iphone, I see only the apple logo !! I try to SSH and worked by chance and delete the Cydia. app from iphone and restart by holding home and wake, after some while iPhone back to the good position again, I check installer and the Cydia Pak was there and I re-instling again but I got this WARNING: BSD Subsystem attempts to install broken versions of the same tools you might install vis Packager.. After I push OK, and the job down, I restart but again am back to the apple logo, any help, I make some thing wrong ? Also impossible to Uninstall this app !!
i am running 1.1.4 java dont work , python dont work they both just flash up then vanish no examples or nothing we all just want good games , good apps not all this developer rubbish i be uninstalling theres nothing good on it yet