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ZiPhone 3.0 for iPhone Released

ZiPhone 3.0 for iPhone Released

Posted March 30, 2008 at 3:17pm by iClarified
Zibri has released ZiPhone 3.0 which is the latest version of his iPhone unlocking utility.

New Features:
- No more need of fix nvram
- Solution for GREYED wifi!
- No need for YouTube fixes
- Embedded apps installer
- Customized plugins

CAUTION**: ZiPhone does not use the 3.9 fakeblank bootloader so please make sure you want to irreversibly downgrade to 3.9 BL before using ZiPhone.

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ZiPhone 3.0 for iPhone Released
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Comments (11)
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quriat - April 5, 2008 at 9:51am
it works fine thx
dt - April 5, 2008 at 4:59am
Thanks for the info Shrike. Mucho appreciated. Your info seems to agree with what others have been saying. I have had dealings with Zibri and he seems on the up and up however, this is pretty troubling to hear. I still say that everyone forgets the past and concentrate on the future. Just an idea.
Shrike - April 4, 2008 at 5:34pm
@dt: The "hate" is because Zibri does some incredibly stupid things in ZiPhone that puts phones at risk. He can probably say that a phone has never bricked if you define bricking as ceasing to function all together, but he can't honestly say he's never rendered a phone at least partially inoperable. The WiFi fix in 3.0 is there strictly because the stupid things he's doing has messed up the WiFi on some of the phones it has been used on. Out of all the stupid things he does is that he physically erases and downgrades the bootloader of 4.6BL phones to 3.9BL without ever telling the user this. As of 3.0, he's also forcing application installs on users who may not want them (I absolutely do not want him putting anything more than necessary on my phone without my permission), and has implied that he's going to be forcing even more apps in the future. iLiberty+ achieves it's unlock without bothering the stock bootloader. Instead, it "fakeblanks" the bootloader and tricks the phone into using an alternate 3.9BL, without ever touching the stock. This allows them to unlock without risking permanent damage to the phone. Also, unlike ZiPhone, they give you the option to install applications and give you the option of what applications you would like. Zibri, in my experience, seems to sit up on his throne and look down at us "little people" with disdain, because by brushing me aside when I complained about BSD Subsystem being forced (I use Cydia instead) he basically implied he knows what I need on my phone better than I do, and I refuse to take it.
erictanyh - April 2, 2008 at 5:17am
after i unlock via Ziphone v3, my phone back light keeping on even i set it to 1 minute or 3 minutes!!! It drain my batt like hell if i received a sms and i didn't read it.
JJ - April 1, 2008 at 5:55am
BEWARE: V3 of Ziphone gives every iPhone the same MAC address! This will create massive problems if WiFi networks and hotspots as there will be thousands of phones out there with the same MAC address! So if more than 1 iphone tries to get onto the same wireless network/hotspot , well guess what will happen! So it may be best to use iLiberty instead..
Cos - March 31, 2008 at 10:33am
I don't have Installer... i try 3 phones... and utube is not working...
dt - March 31, 2008 at 1:40am
Can someone please explain the "hate" that is being passed between Zibri and the Dev Team? I see them go on the offensive, he may or may not respond (for the most part he doesn't. he seeems to let his work do the talking) but the Dev Team via Hactheiphone, this site but in a more subtle way, and a few others will still continue to throw the insults around. It seems a waste of time and resources. Maybe no one has seen it but Apple will release 2.0 in a few months and I am sure the spectacular and over-hyped Dev Team will claim victory but Apple is playing with them. Apple could lock the iPhone down nice and tight and no one, not even GeoHot will be able to crack it. The security in the iPhone is only token at best. So instead of finding new ways to derog each other, why not combine forces and see what Apple has to offer and attack that problem.
nodis - March 31, 2008 at 12:13am
Anyone know if this new version of ZiPhone can fix those of us with the 3.8 bootloader (thanks to the 3.9 FB)? I'd love to get back to 3.9 and fix my seczone/IMEI issues.
russ - March 30, 2008 at 10:47pm
ZiPhone works perfect for me every time. over 15 iphone unlocked and 3 ipod touches and still going strong no problems....... Cant weight to test out the new ver. Thanks Zibri
pakauda - March 30, 2008 at 4:00pm
iLiberty is way better with fake 3.9 bootloader and it does not even have any issue to fix like I had when I tried to use ziphone!
Garbageman - March 30, 2008 at 3:55pm
The solution for grayed WiFi didn't work for me...:(
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