Unable to update ios 5.1.1 ipsw from itunes now with ios 6 available
neonlightbutterfly • October 10, 2012 at 10:48am
I am currently on ios 4.3.5 JB. I want to update to 5.1.1, however itunes does not allow me to choose the ipsw 9B206 which I have downloaded according to instructions.
"This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
I am using RedSnow for the JB.
Can anyone help me?
ccyo • October 11, 2012 at 2:58am
to fix that try using a different program like snowbreeze its cool, with programs like it you can download the software update you need from gdeluxe.com/ios-firmware-ipsw-download-links/ then it will make it into a restore image for itunes and let you restore to that with your jailbreak

moste55 • October 11, 2012 at 4:09pm
Download tiny Umbrella ( you need java install on PC/Mac ) and save (in tiny umbella)your shsh blobs and will save 5.1.1 shsh blobs and when you save it and download redsnow the lasts version of redsnow and go to extra/even more restore and select the ipsw you want downgrade to (iOS 5.1.1)
And select the shsh blobs for 5.1.1 (local shsh the tiny umbrella shsh blobs )
Or if you have cydia will find 5.1.1 blobs(remote shsh the cydia shsh blobs)
And select the shsh blobs for 5.1.1 (local shsh the tiny umbrella shsh blobs )
Or if you have cydia will find 5.1.1 blobs(remote shsh the cydia shsh blobs)