Shsh blobs
rocus • December 15, 2012 at 5:36pm
I have an iphone 4S when I first got it I jailbroke it and then later decided to "upgrade" to ios 6. I would like to downgrade back to ios 5 but it appears I never saved my shsh blobs on my computer. When running cydia it shows shsh blobs that it has saved for you on the top of the screen. Where does it save these? I tried to get them from the cydia server with redsn0w and tiny umbrella, but it said there were none saved for my device. Am I missing a step?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Guardmy6 • December 16, 2012 at 3:45pm
Unfortunately, it doesn't matter because once you upgraded you can not downgrade back to 5.x. Not with the 4S anyway. Apple has screwed us on that front : (