Is it safe to update?
Trancemaker • September 14, 2012 at 7:20pm
Hello. I am on a jailbreak iphone 4, on 4.2.1. bb 03.10.01, unlock with gevey sim card.
I would like to know, if I can update to 5.1.1. and keep the unlock status in any way.
Is anything 100% sure? I am afraid to do this and loose a working phone, but I am getting frustrated with all the apps I can't use unless I am on v5.
And one more question. If I back up, and then I try with any way to update/jailbrake/unlock... can I go back to the backup no-matter what? Or are there problems? Something about bb upgrade making it imposible to go back to my bb, and therefore loose my unlock status?
Many thanks in advance...

mateen • September 14, 2012 at 10:07pm
Are you using a mac or PC? What you need to do is upgrade to 5.1.1 while keeping your current 3.10.01bb.
Follow these guides depending on your OS version..
Make sure to use firmware 5.1.1 instead of 5.1 like the tutorial says. Make sure you use latest version of redsn0w as well (for ios 5.1.1)
good luck!
Follow these guides depending on your OS version..
Make sure to use firmware 5.1.1 instead of 5.1 like the tutorial says. Make sure you use latest version of redsn0w as well (for ios 5.1.1)
good luck!
Trancemaker • September 16, 2012 at 10:14am
mateen thanks for your answer. Much appreciated...
But can you tell me if there are 100% sure ways to unlock while I am at 5.1.1. before I "try" to do something?? Please.
Also, can I return to the status I am now, with restore, if something goes wrong? Or will that be too late???
But can you tell me if there are 100% sure ways to unlock while I am at 5.1.1. before I "try" to do something?? Please.
Also, can I return to the status I am now, with restore, if something goes wrong? Or will that be too late???
Trancemaker • September 16, 2012 at 10:23am
Forgot To mention , I am on pc. I will read the guide until you answer
hemunac • November 21, 2012 at 4:25pm
so did you manage to update it to iOS 6 or maybe 5.1.1 bcs i have the same iphone with gevey??
Trancemaker • November 21, 2012 at 7:30pm
I bought a new jevey for 5.1 or 5.1.1 but I cant update my phone through itunes. I do the correc procedure tp preserve baseband, but I get error 1601 or 1602 frok iTunes. I've tried everything that the error help says, but no luck. So I am stuck here.