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Google: Apple is Responding to Android With Lawsuits Instead of Innovation

Google: Apple is Responding to Android With Lawsuits Instead of Innovation

Posted July 19, 2011 at 3:10pm by iClarified
Google's Eric Schmidt says Apple isn't responding to Android's success with innovation but rather lawsuits, according to PerthNow.

Speaking at Google's Mobile Revolution conference in Tokyo, Schmidt said Apple's case against HTC was inspired by jealousy and designed to shut down its fastest-growing rival.

"The big news in the past year has been the explosion of Google Android handsets and this means our competitors are responding," he said.

"Because they are not responding with innovation, they're responding with lawsuits."

"We have not done anything wrong and these lawsuits are just inspired by our success."

Schmidt said HTC has Google's support and is confident that they will ultimately win.

Commenting further on Android, Schmidt notes that 550,000 devices were being activated daily and more that 135 million have been launched thus far.

Read More [via MacDailyNews]

Google: Apple is Responding to Android With Lawsuits Instead of Innovation
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chex - July 19, 2011 at 5:25pm
"Google's Eric Schmidt says Apple isn't responding to Android's success with innovation but rather lawsuits" Android isn't responding to Apple's success with innovation but rather stealing.
Miguel - July 19, 2011 at 4:47pm
The question is: Did HTC an iPhone clone??? All of newest Android phones and tablets are complete copycats of iPhone and iPad, with some useless addons (TV, cell phones in tablets, etc) and they infringe design patents, so they must be sued
David - July 19, 2011 at 4:03pm
These lawsuits are a thread to Android because they break the "Android is free" model. Not all patents represent real innovation. However, some do and there was cost associated with their development (just seeing a competitor take a risk, use and idea and have success with it is a big time and cost saver to the observer who can now cease work on unproductive paths and head in the proven direction). If any such innovations are used in Android, then the cost of the original innovation isn't correctly being accounted for in the free offering. If Google wants to "stand behind" HTC, they should indemnify them against any lawsuits resulting from Android's use and cover all the legal expenses. They would rather not do this, hence Schmidt's lashing out.
Foobar - July 19, 2011 at 3:45pm
The problem with patents is that pretty much everything that is just comon sense is patenteable and then enforced ad-nauseum. If the patent office used more knowleadgeable people there would be 10x less patents.
Nobo1 - July 19, 2011 at 3:38pm
Erm what inspires android to become what it is? Maybe the INNOVATION of the iPhone (hence smartphone)! Google your shit fragmented software is going down an avocations isn't the same as solid sales...
Mike - July 19, 2011 at 3:20pm
Oh Sir... if you break patents, that's not innovation. I feel happy that you're no longer on Apple board.
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