An astute attendee of the annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel race noticed two people using the unreleased Palm Pre, according to a Boy Genius Report.
The image above was supposedly taken at something called the annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel race. It shows two people, whose identities are unknown, rocking Palm Pres. An eagle eyed attendee spotted them and managed to chat the pair up before snapping a few pics. The stealth photog tells us that the Pre-toting pair claim to have been using the handsets for several weeks now. In fact, they supposedly werent all that blown away by the device at first, but recent updates to the handsets have converted them into satisfied users. When asked about a public release, the duos only response was that we probably wont have to wait too much longer.
Earlier today sources reported that the Palm Pre has two possible release windows. The first launch date being set for May 17th and the second set for the June 29th.