IGG Software has announced the public beta of iBiz 4, a full-version upgrade to its market-leading application for time-tracking, billing and project management. This free trial release, which requires OS X 10.5 Leopard and 7.4 MB of free space, is available for immediate download.
"With this version, we focused on delivering a more intuitive, attractive and efficient application that quickly pays for itself," says Ian Gillespie, President of IGG. "Tracking billable time, generating invoices promptly and managing receivables are simple, seamless features in iBiz 4, and the value of the program will show up immediately in the user's bottom line."
* New in iBiz 4 are Statements, making it easy to send an overview of all past billing activity. Users can select to send invoices and payments from a specific date range, or select specific items to include in statements. iBiz 4 also adds new, customizable templates for statements, invoices and reports.
* iBiz 4 leverages the performance of Mac OS X with new graphs powered by Core Animation and a completely new iCal sync engine for projects, events, to-do lists, invoice due dates with alarms, and other timeline-driven aspects of project or billing management.
* A multitude of interface refinements to iBiz 4 also enhance the user experience. Among the improvements are a new pop-up inspector to quickly edit project information; a modified main window for better access to and organization of to-dos, files or events; the ability to organize clients into groups, or to view client subtext with balances or past-due info; simplified (add) or - (delete) buttons for projects or clients; and many other changes that create a smoother, more intuitive UI.
* Also upgraded to version 4, iBiz Server/Client extends its lead as the most networkable app in its class. For law offices, ad agencies, design firms or any enterprise with multiple users generating billable hours, iBiz grows as the business does, with a seamless upgrade process - even from the single-user version.
Pricing and Availability: The free public beta of iBiz 4 will expire on May 15, and is available for download exclusively from the IGG Software website. The final version of the application ($40 upon release, or $20 to registered iBiz users) ships in May.