February 6, 2025
iRealSMS Adds Landscape QuickReply and QuickSend

iRealSMS Adds Landscape QuickReply and QuickSend

Posted July 8, 2009 at 10:25am by iClarified
iRealSMS v2.0.9.3 has added landscape QuickReply and QuickSend to its list of enhanced features for iPhone messaging.

As the inventors of "SMS from any App" it was only logical to put in the great effort that was necessary to achieve a solution for this as smooth as it is now. It was quite a challenge to get this working on SpringBoard as you may guess based on the long time it took someone to get it running.

The full list of iRealSMS features can be found here. The app is available on the BigBoss repository and costs 9.99 €.

Take a look at the video below for a demo...

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Kyle Flanagan
Kyle Flanagan - July 8, 2009 at 12:41pm
Is this app really needed now? What with 3.0 fixing all basic (text) shortcomings that were abundant until now?
futuregator15 - July 8, 2009 at 12:01pm
I bet it takes up a shitload of ram.. I've bought the app personally and that's the reason I don't use it anymore. My iPhone 3g is always low on ram. It tool up like 10megs of ram on spring board. Then it had several memory leaks which made it tale up even more ram. Now I just use bitesms. Only takes like 3-6 megs of ram
futuregator15 - July 8, 2009 at 12:21pm
Wow new app takes up just about 20 megs of ram for me (springboard is running at 30mb of memory)
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